How Dirty Are You? Quarter Of Brits Sleep In Soiled Bed Sheets (PICTURES)

How Dirty Are You In Bed?

Crumbs, pet hair and stained sheets – over half of Brits admit to sleeping in soiled and cluttered beds, a recent study has discovered.

The research by Crampex, polled 3,000 Brits and found that 26% sleep in dirty bed sheets that are washed only once a month or less.

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How dirty are you in bed?

A further 13% sheepishly confessed to sleeping on dribble stained pillows, with sweaty marks (7%) and unidentified stains (8%).

A tenth of women admit to sleeping in make-up and fake tan-stained bed sheets and 11% of men happily share their bed with their dog.

And it’s not just our hygiene that is lacking when the lights go off, but our inability to completely switch off, the study also discovered.

A whopping 70% of Brits head to bed with their mobile phones, laptops and e-books in tow, and 33% admit that the last thing they do before they fall asleep is check their phone for emails and social network updates.

With habits like these, it’s no surprise that only 35% of Brits manage to get the recommended eight hours a night of sleep, says sleep expert, Dr Neil Stanley.

“Not only are these habits affecting our quality of sleep, dirty beds can be a breeding ground for nasty germs and even bed bugs,” Dr Stanley told HuffPost Lifestyle.

“People are living increasingly cluttered lifestyles and often forget that their beds and bedrooms should be a place of sanctuary, cleanliness and relaxation. Too many of us fall into bed without the time to wind down or prepare, and as a result our beds and bedtime routines are messy, hectic and not conducive to a good night’s sleep.

“Trying to unwind at the end of the day can be difficult when you feel pressure to do chores in the home, cook dinner, exercise or catch up with loved ones.

"However, it is essential to tackle poor sleep, as the resulting emotional or health problems can be very detrimental to everyday life, making it hard to cope and stay positive.”

Discover how you can be good in bed (we're talking about sleep, of course!)

How Your Bed Can Help You Sleep
Fall Sound Asleep(01 of08)
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Research has shown that background music can help ease the symptoms of insomnia and tinnitus so invest in an alarm clock with a sleep function and docking station and make a soothing playlist. Or take things a step further and invest in a blanket, pillow or even headboard with built-inspeakers from sleep aid specialists, Sound Asleep. (credit:Alamy)
Plump Up Your Pillow(02 of08)
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"Pillows can not only impact the quality of our sleep, but also how healthfully we rest and recharge," says sleep expert Michael Breus, PhD, a clinical psychologist and author of Beauty Sleep: Look Younger, Lose Weight, and Feel Great Through Better Sleep.Choose the right one for your sleep position:Tummy: Very thin, flat pillow to avoid straining your neck. Use a pillow under your stomach to avoid lower back pain.Back: Thinner pillows so head is not thrown too far forward.Side: Firmer, plumper pillow that fills up the space between your neck and shoulder (credit:Alamy)
Cool down, chill out(03 of08)
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When we sleep our body temperature drops and if the environment doesn't correspond to this, the body struggles to achieve its desired temperature for a comfortable sleep. Research suggests that after sun damage, one of the biggest causes of ageing comes from sleeping on traditional cotton, linen or polyester pillowcases. These fabrics absorb moisture, leaving the skin dehydrated. Silk pillows are said to minimize dehydration, which means they'll leave your hair smoother and glossier, too. Try SilPerfect Pure Silk Pillowcases.Like air-con for your bed, Climson cooling and warming mattress toppers have a thermo-controller that allows you to adjust the temperature you want to the exact degree. (credit:Alamy)
Get Your Beauty Sleep(04 of08)
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Research suggests that after sun damage, one of the biggest causes of ageing comes from sleeping on traditional cotton, linen or polyester pillowcases. These fabrics absorb moisture, leaving the skin dehydrated. Silk pillows are said to minimize dehydration, which means they'll leave your hair smoother and glossier, too. Try SilPerfect Pure Silk Pillowcases. (credit:Alamy)
Sleep Together In Harmony(05 of08)
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In a survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Climson, it was revealed that 83% of people in reltaionships argie over sleeping habits. The majority noted their parnter's sleeping habits as the main contributor to a bad night's sleep. Take a tip from the Scandinavians where couples each have their own duvet and would never dream of sharing. Altrnatively, try a duvet from The Duvet Store that has each side custom-filled separately to cater for your own needs. (credit:Alamy)
Feng Shui Your Bed(06 of08)
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According to the ancient Chinese art of feng shui, the style of your bed and its position within your bedroom can have a significant impact on your energy and sleep. Choosing a bed with legs, as opposed to a divan, and positioning it with a clear space either side, allows the chi to circulate freely. A headboard is said to stabilise relationships and to provide the possibility of a relationship for singles.The bed should ideally sit as far away from the door as possible, as the further your bed from the door the more control you will have over your space and life. (credit:Alamy)
Find The Best Mattress For You(07 of08)
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Never buy a mattress online unless you've already tested it beforehand in store. To find the right tension for you, lie down on the mattress in the showroom and push your hand under the small of your back. If there is a large gap the mattress is too soft, if there is no gap at all, it's too soft. Being able to pass your hand through says it's perfect. (credit:Alamy)
Don't Take Work To Bed(08 of08)
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"Talking about yoru work when you get home can be a good thing and a positive way of gaining support from family and friends," says Dr Ramlakahn. "However, try not to let the work talk spill over into your whole evening and bedtime. If necessary, set some rules about when you stop talking about work and allow your mind to wind down and switch off." (credit:Alamy)