"I Love My Body": Christina Hendricks Denies Diet Rumours

"I Love My Body": Christina Hendricks Denies Diet Rumours

Mad Men actress Christina Hendricks. photo: PA

The MyDaily team breathes a sigh of relief as Christina Hendricks puts pay to the rumours that she is going on a diet.

The voluptuous star, who was said to be fed up of being "the curviest woman in Hollywood" and planning to shed two stone, has told Grazia magazine that "I love my body as it is".

Refusing to cave in under Hollywood pressures, she told the magazine: "People in the industry have been telling me to lose weight for years but I like the way I look".

The MyDaily style team is delighted to reinstate Christina as our poster girl for the fuller figure.

But it's her mother who the actress has to thank for her body confidence.

"I give credit for my mother for helping me feel good about my appearance - for making sure I never felt embarrassed about my body, because she was never worried about looking too big," she said.

But Christina hasn't always been curvy.

"I started out as a model and when I went to Italy to build my modelling book I gained 15 pounds from all the pastas and cappuccinos," she revealed.

"I saw my body change and I loved how it changed my appearance and how it made me look more womanly and sexy."

A woman after our own heart. Cappuccino, anyone?

What do you think of Christina's voluptuous figure? Leave a comment below.

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