Interview: Bridesmaids' Stars Kristen Wiig And Melissa McCarthy

Interview: Bridesmaids' Stars Kristen Wiig And Melissa McCarthy

Finally chick flick with attitude: Bridesmaids' Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig. Photo: PA

If you're looking for cheesy romance and love songs you've come to the wrong place. Bridesmaids is a rare comedic treat lead by a strong female cast, without a "down on one knee" moment in sight.

From Four Weddings and A Funeral to 27 Dresses, weddings have long been comic fodder for film-makers, but the female character's function in such films is usually to land a man, rather than be funny.

Not in this wedding flick. Kristen Wiig's movie, in which she stars as the lovelorn and broke Annie, unashamedly puts female friendship front and centre, with male characters providing occasional back-up.

The gorgeous Jon Hamm from Mad Men features as Annie's sleazy on-off lover and Chris O'Dowd from TheIT Crowd acts as the humble policeman who tries to win her heart, but the real stars of the film are undoubtedly the bride and her five oddball bridesmaids.

From a hen's trip to Vegas that goes terribly wrong to a dress fitting from hell, a ridiculous bridal shower to the big day itself, Bridesmaids is full of envy, perfectionism, humiliation, anger, heartache and bodily secretions.

MyDaily caught up with stars of the film, Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy and the Director Paul Fieg, at a London press conference, to find out how close the film is to their own wedding experiences and more about those sex scenes...

Have either of you ever been to a horrendous wedding?

Melissa McCarthy: "The only horrendous wedding I've been to was a dear lovely friend's in Palm Springs, which is kind of centre of the sun. And she had it in August. It was about 115 degrees at one o'clock in the afternoon and mid-ceremony people were cracking open bottles of water and pouring them over their head. It was so hot. Kids were like, going down."

Kristen Wiig: "I was there, I was a bridesmaid! It was one of those things, I was standing up there and it was just wet between my foot and my shoe, and I was going 'don't pass out'."

Melissa: "I thought 'oh god if I pass out please don't let me wet my pants'."

Kristen: "Thankfully not much in the movie has happened to me. There were a few touches in there that my writing partner had had happen to her.

"The wedding shower was really fun for us to write. We thought we have this over the top shower, what are we going to do? Swans walking by. Dogs. Puppies are a really bad gift to give someone without asking them."

How did you find filming the bedroom scenes with Jon Hamm, Kristen?

Kristen: "I want to say, 'oh, it was fun' but then I sound like a big perv. I think we laughed through the whole thing. Paul made me laugh, the way he was shouting out things for me to do to Jon."

Paul Fieg: "That was like choreographing the world's hardest fight scene."

The wedding is one of the ultimate arenas for drama and particularly comedy in films, but the films aren't always great. What made you want to explore the subject?

Kristen: "When we were writing it we really didn't think about any of the other movies. I think that could be in your head a little bit and when you're writing something you're trying to avoid this thing, or is this like that movie? We didn't go out of our way to watch any movies. We wanted to keep it like this is what we want to write. It wasn't written in reaction to anything."

Paul: "I think it works because most wedding movies are about the wedding and there's not a lot you can tell about a wedding, so you have to amp up all the emotions of everyone around it. This is very much a story about a woman going through a terrible time in her life and getting this duty of maid of honour just throws it all off. The wedding just brings a bunch of characters who wouldn't normally be together, together and then just pushes them, drives them forward."

The film has had a tremendous reaction, will we get a sequel?

Paul: "There's been no official talk of it. It would be a crime not to reassemble an amazing team like this but we could only do it if we could make it as good or better than the original, because there's nothing worse than doing a sequel that lets everyone down. So we'll see."

Bridesmaids is in cinemas from June 22nd.