It's Walk To School Week - Get Out Of Your Car!

It's Walk To School Week - Get Out Of Your Car!

It's Walk to School Week, and it has been revealed that around half of primary school children currently don't walk to school regularly.

Which will come as no surprise to those of us who have battled through all the Chelsea tractors cluttering up the roads on the school run.

I know cyclists who are convinced that they will one day come to a sticky end at the hands of a mother delivering her little Tarquin to his day school.

It is a particularly damning statistic given that the average distance to primary schools is just over one mile – an easy 20 minute walk.

When parents walk their children to school, they chat and catch up; when they drive, the kids slouch in the back listening to their iPod or playing computer games.

Over a third of those who walk their kids to school say that the journey to school is where they find out the most about their child's life.

Now, I know it can't be easy for lots of parents who need to drop their kids off quickly in order to get to work on time. But I bet some of them are just lazy.

As many as one in four children in the UK are overweight or obese, so parents need to start making the effort to build exercise into their children's lives.

Actually, I'm sure that I was walking to school on my own when I was at primary school. Not in the infants, perhaps, but certainly in the juniors. Don't kids do that any more? No, their parents are probably too scared that they will get squashed. Probably by a Chelsea tractor. It's a vicious circle.

Do you HAVE to drive your kids to school? Would you like to walk, but it's just not possible? Do workplaces need to offer more flexible hours? I'd like to hear the reasons why people drive...