Julie Houts' Witty Illustrations Perfectly Sum Up Life As A Twentysomething Woman

The struggle is real.

Navigating through bad dates, impossible fitness classes and permanently being skint is an absolute minefield for twentysomethings. 

Thankfully, illustrator Julie Houts is helping us laugh about how utterly pathetic our lives are with her witty and oh-so-accurate drawings.

In a recent interview with Vogue, Houts said the ridiculous nature of human beings inspires her images. 

“I just think that everyone is basically an idiot. They just are,” she joked.

 “I have a hard time approaching someone who isn’t willing to admit that about themselves.

“I’m a very harsh critic of people, but I’m a much harsher critic of myself. So that’s how I justify it.”

Check out some of her illustrations below or visit her website to see more of her work. 

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