Parents Warned About Dangers Of Young Kids Choking On Grapes

'I would urge all parents to cut food up into small pieces.'

Parents are being warned about the dangers of children choking on whole grapes.

Writing in the ‘Archives of Disease in Childhood’, doctors said whole grapes are the third most common cause of food-related choking, after hot dogs and sweets. 

However they believe public awareness of the danger posed of whole grapes is not “widespread”.

“Any injury, accident and death is a tragedy but it is even more so when that injury, accident or death could have been prevented,” said Dr Julie-Ann Maney, of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

“This paper highlights just how dangerous seemingly harmless items of food can be for young children if they are not eaten in the correct way.” 

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The paper describes three cases of young children, two of whom died after choking on grapes.

One case involved a five-year-old who started choking while eating whole grapes at an after-school club. Prompt and appropriate attempts to dislodge the grape didn’t work and the child went into cardiac arrest.

The grape was later removed by paramedics, using specialist equipment, but the child died.

In the second case, a 17-month-old boy was eating sandwiches and fruit with his family at home, when he choked on a grape. Attempts to try and dislodge it were unsuccessful and the emergency services were called. The grape was eventually removed by a paramedic, but the child still died.

The third case involved a two-year-old who was snacking on grapes in the park when he started choking. The grape proved impossible to dislodge and an ambulance was called. Paramedics were on the scene within a minute and successfully cleared his airway. 

The child suffered two seizures before reaching hospital and, on arrival, required emergency treatment to relieve swelling on his brain and to drain a build-up of watery fluid in his lungs. He spent five days in intensive care before making a full recovery.

The authors wrote that whole grapes tend to be larger than a young child’s airway.

Unlike small hard objects, such as nuts, the smooth soft surface of a grape enables it to form a tight seal in an airway, not only blocking this completely, but also making it difficult to remove without specialist equipment, they explained. 

“There is general awareness of the need to supervise young children when they are eating and to get small solid objects, and some foods such as nuts, promptly out of the mouths of small children; but knowledge of the dangers posed by grapes and other similar foods is not widespread,” the authors explained.

While there are plenty of warnings on the packaging of small toys about the potential choking hazard they represent, no such warnings are available on foodstuffs, such as grapes, the researchers point out.

As such, they advise that grapes and foods including cherry tomatoes “should be chopped in half and ideally quartered before being given to young children (five and under),” and they emphasise “the importance of adult supervision of small children while they are eating.”

Dr Maney agreed, adding: “As a paediatrician working in a busy emergency department, sadly situations like those outlined in this paper are not all that uncommon.

“To prevent accidents like these from happening, I would urge all parents to cut food up into small pieces to avoid a seemingly harmless situation turning into a deadly one.”

Read the full paper in the ‘Archives of Disease in Childhood’ here.

Before You Go

Five Ways You Can Help A Food Bank This Christmas
Donate money(01 of05)
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Voluntary donations help food banks keep functioning so they can provide those in need with food parcels.

There are a number of ways you can give financially to support the work of food banks.

If you want to do something specifically for Christmas time, you can make a one-off donation. The Trussell Trust provides information here on how to make a one-off contribution to their food banks or you can check with your local food bank.

To support food banks throughout the year, you can set up regular giving through your bank.

It's also possible to donate regularly using payroll giving, also known as Pay As You Earn (PAYE). Anyone whose pay is taxed through PAYE can donate through payroll giving. Speak to your HR department who will be able to help you set this up.
(credit:Tony Hutchings via Getty Images)
Donate food(02 of05)
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You can give food in a number of ways:

1. Directly to your local foodbank – find your nearest one here.

2. At collection points in supermarkets across the country.

3. By hosting a collection at your school, church or business for your local foodbank.

If you're unsure what's best to donate, have a look at what is included in a typical food parcel here for ideas.

The Trussell Trust also suggests checking with your local foodbank to see if there are any supplies in particular which they are in need of.
Volunteer at a food bank(03 of05)
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More than 40,000 people across the UK volunteered with a food bank in 2015/16, according to the Trussell Trust.

Whether you have a few hours spare or a couple of days a week free, you can practically help a food bank by volunteering your time.

There are a number of different things that volunteers can help with:

1. Help in a warehouse withweighing, sorting and storing donated food before it’s made into parcels.

2. Volunteer in a food bank centre, where you can help with meeting clients and giving out food parcels. Having a chat with clients to discuss their situation and signpost to further support is also an important part of the service.

3. Help organise supermarket collections and encourage people to donate and collect items.
Rethink your presents(04 of05)
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Are you the sort of person who replies "oh, I don't know" when asked by friends and family what you want for Christmas?

Why not use the occasion to help out a food bank?

Instead of ending up with another box of bath bombs that you'll never use, ask your loved ones to make a donation to a food bank in lieu of giving you a gift.

They could donate to a specific local bank or to the Trussell Trust here, where they can arrange for you to be sent a card acknowledging the gift.
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Give other items(05 of05)
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Remember that food banks also accept essential non-food items such as toiletries and hygiene products, helping people in crisis.

The Trussell Trust also runs charity shops and recycling centres, which help to fund its work.

Here are some of the items they will welcome:

1. Good quality clothes, shoes, bras, bags, hats and jewellery
2. Bric-a-brac
3. Books, DVDs and CDs (although they are unable to accept video tapes)
4. Toys
5. Working electrical goods (all TVs must be digital compatible)
6. Good quality furniture
7. Unwanted furniture for upcycling.

Poor quality clothing can also be donated for recycling, though they ask that it be marked as 'salvage'.