Kylie Minogue Takes Us Inside Her Home In Good Housekeeping Magazine's May Issue

Kylie Minogue Takes Us Inside Her Home In Good Housekeeping Magazine's May Issue

Kylie Minogue has been on the cover of everything from Smash Hits (back in the day) to Elle and Cosmopolitan. The star's latest photoshoot? It's in Good Housekeeping magazine's May 2014 issue.

The Voice judge shared her glowing cover picture with fans on Tuesday via Twitter.

Oh hey @GHmagazine!! My cover issue hits stands on Wednesday, UK Kylie Minogue at Home range.

As for that palm tree, Kylie describes the Maison Jansen 1970s design as "one of my favourite things in my sitting room."

Clearly, she's a girl who likes her decor to be fun, colourful and vibrant. We wouldn't expect anything less from the pop princess.

The May 2014 issue of Good Housekeeping is available on 9 April.