6 Ways You're Doing Your Laundry All Wrong

You're Doing Your Laundry All Wrong...

If your idea of doing laundry is bunging a load of broadly similar looking items on a 40-degree wash and hoping for the best, it’s not just your clothes and linen you could be damaging but your washing machine, too – not to mention the extra strain on your pocket.

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From black jeans turning prematurely grey and towels so stiff, they practically stand up by themselves, to favourite tops falling apart before the season’s out and peculiar smells emanating from your washing machine – a cavalier attitude to laundry can be a costly business.

“Simple things like bothering to follow the instructions on care labels, can add years to the longevity of your clothes,” says Rob Garritano, founder of London cleaning firm, Twinkle Clean.

“It’s amazing how many people don’t even understand what the care label symbols mean,” he adds.

But with just a few tweaks to your current laundry regime, you could be wearing clothes that look as immaculate as the day you bought them, season after season, waking up in crisp, fresh bed-sheets to rival any boutique hotel, and wrapping yourself in eternally soft, fluffy towels, without fear of them turning scratchy.

“Bed linen, table linen, towels and clothes: the laundry can seem like a never-ending chore,” says author of Laundry: Hints And Tips, Cindy Harris.

“However, if you approach it in a methodical way and have some good accessories to help you, you will start off on the right foot and make the task simple and easier to deal with.”

If any of these common laundry mistakes strike a chord, here is how to fix them:

6 Laundry Mistakes You're Probably Making
Using Too Much Fabric Softener(01 of06)
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“Go easy on fabric softener,” says Vicky Silverton, founder of professional organisation and de-cluttering firm, You Need A Vicky. “You would be surprised, other than smell, how little difference it makes.”And if you thought fabric softener was the shortcut to soft and fluffy towels, think again. Ironically, fabric softener leaves a coating on towels, which reduces their absorbency and eventually leads to that scratchy cardboard feel.TIP: Instead of using fabric softener to wash your towels, halve the amount of detergent you use and add two tablespoons of white wine vinegar to the drum. (credit:Vladimir Voronin via Getty Images)
Leaving Washing In The Machine Too Long(02 of06)
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When you’re working long hours, the temptation can be to stick a washing load on before you head out to work or before you go to bed. But leaving damp washing in the machine can lead to a build-up of bacteria, leaving a fusty smell in your machine - and on your washing.And if that wasn't reason enough to whip out your washing straight away, it could also spare you some tedious ironing time: “Hanging up your clothes immediately after drying, helps to minimise wrinkles and the need for ironing,” says Rob Garritano, founder of London cleaning firm, Twinkle Clean. (credit:alzay via Getty Images)
Over-Using The Dryer(03 of06)
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We all know the more often we machine-wash our dark clothes, the quicker they will fade - and that turning our black jeans inside out before washing will help to keep the colour true.But did you know that the dryer is just as big a culprit for fading fabrics? “Hang coloured clothes to dry to help prevent them fade,” says Rob.If you do need to use the dryer, he suggests: “Speed up drying time by throwing a clean dry towel in the dryer with your wet clothes to help absorb the moisture.” (credit:Richard Klotz via Getty Images)
Using Too Much Detergent(04 of06)
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“Too much detergent can reduce the lifespan of your washing machine, as well as the lifespan of your clothes,” says El Jones, author of moneysaving blog, A Thrifty Mrs.Jones advocates using a quarter (a third, max), of the amount specified on the detergent pack, to keep laundry clean and fresh-smelling, and the washing machine in tip-top condition. (credit:Piotr Adamowicz via Getty Images)
Not Giving Your Machine TLC(05 of06)
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It stands to reason, a dirty, fusty-smelling washing machine can lead to dirty, fusty-smelling laundry. To keep yours sparkling clean and fresh-smelling, give it a good clean once a month. To get rid of detergent residue, run on a hot cycle, while empty, with two cups of bleach in the detergent compartment of the drawer. Next, run a 40 degree cycle, with two cups of white vinegar in the detergent compartment, to eliminate nasty odours.In between times, try adding a little baking soda to your wash. This will not only help to eliminate stubborn odours from your washing, it will give your machine a freshness boost, too. (credit:Olaru Radian-alexandru via Getty Images)
Not Separating Fabrics(06 of06)
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When it comes to mixing up our washing-load colours, we've all been there, done that and bought the (formerly white, but now grey) T-shirt to prove it. But did you know that mixing up your washing fabrics could be damaging your clothes, too?Towels, for instance, can agitate other more delicate fabrics and eventually lead to pilling, over time. Also, bear in mind the wool cycle exists for a reason. Even if your woollen sweater says it can be washed at 40 degrees, don't be tempted to chuck it in with the rest of your clothes. The wool cycle is especially gentle, to help keep your knitwear in shape. Gently pulling woollens back into shape immediately after washing, and drying flat will help, too. (credit:humonia via Getty Images)