Magic Leap's Stunning New Demo Transforms A Room Into An Aquarium

This is really quite something.

Magic Leap has posted a rare new demo which shows how its augmented reality headset can transform any room into a virtual office, or even an aquarium.

Incredibly though Magic Leap is a billion dollar company that hasn't made a single product yet.

How has it done this? By selling a promise, and that promise is to create a headset which will transform what you see around you by placing virtual objects into the real world.

Like Microsoft HoloLens, Magic Leap is building an augmented reality headset which blends the virtual reality with the real.

Unlike Microsoft HoloLens the company has been remaining hugely secretive about how it's going to do it, claiming that its product will not only revolutionise how we see the world, but also how we interact with it.

The company's secretive world was give some element of transparency this month thanks to a huge feature about the company in Wired.

What it didn't unveil though was what the headset would look like, when it would be available or even what it can fully do.

For now though we've been left with some real-time demos which give us a tantalising glimpse into what the team have been working on.