Nintendo DS Gadget To Help Children With Diabetes

Nintendo DS Gadget To Help Children With Diabetes

An estimated 25,000 children in the UK have diabetes. If your child is one of these, you'll know that it can sometimes be a struggle to get them to monitor their glucose levels regularly. But one thing children never forget is where they left their games console.

Now a new gadget aims to harness children's passion for games and combine this with testing glucose levels. Didget was the brainchild of a parent with a son with diabetes whose child could never find his monitor but could always find his game boy, and is intended for use by children aged from 5 to 14.

It's the first and only blood glucose meter for children with diabetes that connects directly to the Nintendo DS™ and DS™ Litegaming systems. This encourages the child to manage their diabetes themselves without always having to be nagged by their parents.

The meter positively reinforces consistent testing habits by awarding points that kids can use to unlock new game levels and customise their gaming experience. It comes with Knock 'Em Downs™: World's Fair, wh

ich includes a full length adventure game and mini game arcade.

Five pounds from every £29.99 sale will be donated to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

John Gregory, Professor in Paediatric Endocrinology at Cardiff University says: "One of the biggest challenges facing parents of children with diabetes is the constant struggle to instil the habit of regular blood glucose testing that is critical for consistent diabetes management. This meter can help ease the parent/child tension that testing often creates by adding an element of fun and rewards to the routine. Because it is designed with children in mind, Bayer's Didget meter can transform a child's blood glucose testing experience from something they have to do into something they want to do."

The Didget meter has just been released - find out more and where to buy here.