Now You Can Eat Like Beyonce

Now You Can Eat Like Beyonce

It's a well known thing that Beyoncé is a kale kind of girl, but now she's gone 100; width:-webkit-calc(100 - 2px);">

#22dayveganchallange 😋

A photo posted by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on

"Psychologists have said it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. On the 22nd day, you've found the way," Jay Z wrote on his Life + Times website ahead of the challenge in 2013.

"PS: B is also joining me."

As for what Bey had to say about her new super-food delivery service? "I am so grateful that I took the challenge and credit Marco with leading by example," she revealed in a statement following the announcement.

"He is the most energetic person I know and it's all because of his decision to live a healthy lifestyle. He came up with a great program to get people motivated to make better nutritional choices.

"All you have to do is try. If I can do it, anyone can. I am excited to partner with him."

Exactly that - if Bey is going 100Slideshow-31792C5186270862C51861812523FFEB00&videoControlDisplayColor=%23191919&shuffle=0&isAP=1">
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