Oscar Nominee Octavia Spencer On Awards Style: "I Was Triple Spanx-Ed"

Oscar Nominee Octavia Spencer On Awards Style: "I Was Triple Spanx-Ed"

Octavia Spencer is rapidly becoming one of our favourite people. The Oscar-nominated actress has spent awards season looking fabulous and being endearingly excited at the ceremonies (i.e. exactly how we would like to be if we were up for an award). Here she is explaining the Spanx-related preparations for the SAG Awards to Ellen Degeneres.

Selected highlights include the part where Ellen asks about the triple Spanx she was wearing below her stunning silver dress and Octavia just replies "Oh, Ellen," and the part where she complains to Melissa McCarthy about the pain of the multiple Spanx and Melissa reveals she already took hers off.

We've long known about the use of control underwear on the red carpet but it's so nice to hear someone being so open about how uncomfortable it can be to be squished and shaped rather than pretending they just tumbled into that form fitting dress and walked out the door radiating effortless glamour: "I could not party that night because I was being pinched in places I didn't know it was possible!"

Also revealed in the clip is the story of how Octavia lost a bet and ended up running down the road in her underwear, screaming. It's pretty much an underwear-based video but we do love her.

You can see the lovely silver dress which concealed Octavia's various undergarments in our SAG gallery below: