What Getting Into Shape Post-Baby REALLY Looks Like!

For all you mums out there who are sick of being bombarded with pics of flawless and toned celebrity mums just a few weeks after giving birth. And for all you mums sick of all the post baby workout videos hosted by instructors who look too small to do push ups let alone push a baby out of their body, then this is for you!

For all you mums out there who are sick of being bombarded with pics of flawless and toned celebrity mums just a few weeks after giving birth. And for all you mums sick of all the post baby workout videos hosted by instructors who look too small to do push ups let alone push a baby out of their body, then this is for you!

This is what a REAL mum looks like doing a REAL post baby workout! No make up artists, no designer workout gear and no bloody core strength!

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Cue bucket loads of sweat, a face as red as a slapped arse, lots of "F you Shaun T" and unattractive poses as I try and fail to grit my teeth and bare the pain of squats for the first time in 12 months.

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Yes, it aint a pretty sight but hell it's a real one! It's also a big "up yours" to all those ridiculous images out there making us feel (even though we know it's a load of bullshit) that we are somehow not living up to what a mum should look like. That we are not bouncing back into shape quick enough and that we are not doing it in a way that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye!

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Therefore, for any mums out there currently feeling crappy about themselves and their post baby bodies. For any mums out there feeling intimidated about getting back into shape. And for any mums out there just wanting a realistic view on motherhood and what it actually looks like to start trying to reclaim back your body then these pictures are for you! If only to give you a bit of a giggle and make you realise you are not alone trying to squeeze yourself into pre baby lycra in the aim of feeling more like your God damn self!

Here's to tackling the realities of motherhood head on and to keeping it bloody real!

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