Proud to Be a Mumpreneur

There is nothing like a label to make me grumpy. Call me anything that pins me down to more than that moment in time and I will kick against the label pinned to me until it well and truly falls off.

A fabulous venue off Sloane Square; early evening and Spring had truly arrived. The human dynamos that are Sara Guiel and Nicky Chisholm, founders of The Mumpreneur Networking Club, were hosting the launch event for Annabel Karmel's book, "Mumpreneur". The evening was to be spent at a venue intimately connected to another female entrepreneur, Chrissie Rucker of The White Company. Making up the speaker trio was also Liz Earle, of Liz Earle Wellbeing.

There is nothing like a label to make me grumpy. Call me anything that pins me down to more than that moment in time and I will kick against the label pinned to me until it well and truly falls off.

So whilst I love networking and meeting up with people that I can learn from, it was with some trepidation that I attended the launch party. Did this mean that I was a "Mumpreneur" rather than a plain old "Entrepreneur" or just someone who loves to run her own thing? Particularly since being a parent, playing at the presentee-ism that gets you ahead in a major part of the corporate world just isn't my bag.

So when Annabel Karmel's charming partner, Stephen Margolis, asked me if I was a Mumpreneur I couldn't agree. "I'm someone who runs my own business, and I'm a parent". I like to keep my options open, and I'm interested in working with fun people on fun projects but - please - don't label me!

I carried on with the fun networking, and selfie taking, and chatting to other women who all ran their own businesses. And who liked being in charge of their own thing. And working on fun projects and with fun people. That still allows them to spend time with their children. Presentee-ism just isn't their bag.

Soon, the launch speeches were upon us, and listening to Chrissy, Annabel and Liz it was rather like listening to a lot of the pep talks I give to clients, my business partner and to myself about starting up and launching a business.

With the one important detail - all of these speakers and all of the people in the room had made the choice to be an entrepreneur because they were mothers. Many of the women in the room had not considered themselves entrepreneurs before they had children. The moment they had children, their priorities pivoted and they were left with only one consideration when organising their working lives: their family lives.

There really is nothing like the power of a great network, and the inspiration of that evening has left me with only one option. I'm sticking that label on proudly: Mumpreneur!