Releasing the Athlete Within

I train Crossfit and I know the thoughts of this training discipline or lifestyle scares the life out of some when they YouTube what it actually is, but honestly once you get into the groove of it and its training style- all that happens is you release the athlete within yourself.

We can say it in jest, but there is definitely an athlete within all of us. We all have abilities and can definitely challenge and push our bodies more. Perhaps though throughout times in our lives, being fit just isn't the focus or is seen as not really being a priority. Thankfully this is changing, society and people now are far more health conscious and people genuinely want to live longer, be pain free, have increased mobility or just simply want to maintain or lose weight.

I train Crossfit and I know the thoughts of this training discipline or lifestyle scares the life out of some when they YouTube what it actually is, but honestly once you get into the groove of it and its training style- all that happens is you release the athlete within yourself.

Last night at training, there was just three brave souls in my session including me. It was great, we rowed, we did ring dips, we worked on our front squat form and then we started our Workout of the Day (WOD), the first being five compound kettle bell moves for (20 times) and then into a quick 10 wall balls, 10 burpees (three rounds) for time.

There were two new guys there last night, I have been training here for just over a year now so feel I know my own endurance and how to switch into a zone where you can be the best version of yourself in that workout. After the session I was chatting with my coach and remarked how Crossfit is truly something special. Your first night and even first weeks are like a baptism of fire, what I like most about Crossfit is everyone is always learning. One of the girls snatched 65kg on Monday, you should of seen the smile on her face, the two guys last night were learning about movement, technique and that yes it will get easier, or we posed the question do we simply get better?

People train for aesthetics, I get that, it is a side effect of training and eating well. Crossfit is about more than that, it switches your focus. You become more interested in fitness, strength and being a better athlete. I have often talked and laughed about my lack of ability at traditional sports, but if the truth be told what The Horse (My Dad) said to me then was true "You're just not applying yourself" and he was right. I wasn't ready, my mindset and focus was not on me and developing myself, it was in a teenage or 20s mode of not having a clue about myself or what I wanted or what I could actually achieve.

Through exploring the movements of Olympic Lifting, weight training, running and Crossfit, I have definitely tapped into my inner athlete. I have never been as focused on my health, never been as fit and also never been as content in my own self, which is really the most important part. Yes the tone and the weight loss comes but when your focus is improving yourself through your movements and respecting your body, those factors become secondary.

Life is too short not to be healthy and it is definitely too short not to be driving yourself forward. Progress comes in many forms but through health, training and wellbeing you can be the sole driver of your own progression and just knowing that is very powerful and also leaves you with a lot of food for thought.

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