10 Facts You May Not Know About Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

10 Facts You May Not Know About Seasonal Affective Disorder
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Seasonal Affective Disorder, the form of depression that is most affected by the seasons, is just beginning for some of us.

With the clocks moving backwards, going to work and coming home in the darkness can have an affect on even the sunniest disposition.

Here are 10 facts from HuffPost Canada, in a feature written by Terri Colesexplaining everything you need to know about the condition.

10 Facts About Seasonal Affective Disorder
It's New (01 of10)
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Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is officially new: Seasons have always existed, of course, but SAD was only officially recognized as a disorder in the 1980s. That means that awareness of its seriousness — or that it even exists — is still limited. (credit:Shutterstock)
Some People Get The Less Serious Form(02 of10)
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Some people get a less serious form: Ever heard of the winter blues? It's a mild form of SAD that can interfere with everyday life, but is different from SAD in that its effects are less debilitating. It's thought that the winter blues may affect up to 15 per cent of the population. (credit:Shutterstock)
It Can Hit You In Warmer Months (03 of10)
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There is such a thing as summer SAD too: It's rarer, but summer depression is another milder form of SAD. Those affected usually start to experience symptoms like poor appetite, weight loss, and sleep disturbances in late spring or early summer. (credit:Shutterstock)
It's Not Known What Causes SAD (04 of10)
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The cause of seasonal affective disorder is not yet known. It's believed that it's related to our internal biological clocks, which regulate our circadian rhythms. Some experts think that the differences in light and the length of the day in the winter months affect our circadian rhythms, which then affects our mood. Other research indicates that our neurotransmitters — which regulate sleep, mood, and appetite —may get messed up when someone is suffering from SAD. (credit:Shutterstock)
The Symptoms Can Look Like Something Else (05 of10)
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The symptoms of SAD resemble those of other mental illnesses, like depression and bipolar disorder, and include changes in appetite, intense carb and sugar cravings, weight gain, reduced energy, fatigue, oversleeping, anxiety and sadness, and avoidance of social situations. (credit:Shutterstock)
More Common In Younger Adults (06 of10)
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SAD tends to start appearing in people older than 20, and the risk decreases after the age of 50. However, it can also affect children and teens, and it tends to run in families where other members have experienced depression. (credit:Shutterstock)
More Women Are SAD (07 of10)
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Women are more likely than men to suffer from SAD, but it's not known why. The Mood Disorders Association of Ontario reports that women are up to eight times as likely as men to have SAD. (credit:Shutterstock)
Some Countries Are Harder Hit (08 of10)
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There is some research indicating that seasonal affective disorder is more common in countries further north, which have shorter winter days or extended periods with very little light at all, in some very northern areas. Shift workers, and workers who don't experience much natural daylight at work and/or home, may also be affected. (credit:Shutterstock)
You Might Want To Book A Vacation (09 of10)
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People who experience the winter blues or SAD may find some relief by heading south. A trip to a warmer destination with longer daylight hours might help you get through the colder months of the year by providing temporary relief. (credit:Shutterstock)
There Is Help Available (10 of10)
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There is help available: If you're experiencing symptoms that are interfering with your day-to-day life, and especially if you are experiencing thoughts of self harm or suicide. MDOA reports that research showed that light therapy with special lamps had an antidepressant effect in 70 per cent of SAD sufferers. Other treatment options include getting more exposure to daylight, exercising, medication, maintaining a healthy diet, and counselling or therapy. (credit:Shutterstock)