Should You Keep His Name Once The Marriage's Over?

Should You Keep His Name Once The Marriage's Over?

Cast your mind back a few months, roughly around the time Simon Cowell's publicity team declared ownership of the red tops' front pages (does that feel like years rather than months, sorry).

'Tweedy's Back,' screamed the headlines. A direct response to her intro on the first leg of X Factor auditions, where the divorce from husband Ashley Cole not yet finalised, but his surname, it appeared, gone the way of the marriage.

Fast-forward to September and while Cowell shows no sign of releasing his grip on the media's collective conscious, Cheryl's done a U-turn. The marriage is now officially dead, but her signature won't be changing.

I'm in two minds about this decision. All for a little alliteration (Cheryl Cole just looks better on the side of a can of Elnett, doesn't it?), I'm not entirely sure I could keep the name of a man who'd publically disgraced himself in front of the entire nation, not once not twice, but five times (if my calculations are correct), just because it looks pretty.

'She's worked hard for that name,' one of her oft-quoted 'friends' apparently told the Daily Mirror. 'It has nothing to do with staying connected with Ashley. She's built her career on it.'

Another confidant told The Sun: 'She is a fan of Tina Turner. Tina was divorced during her career but decided to stick with her married name because it was how she was best known.'

But it's not like we didn't know her as Tweedy. Granted the fame back in her pre-Mrs Cole days wasn't quite at the L'Oreal contract/Vogue covers/Nation's SweetheartTM level it scales today, but anyone who'd ever picked up a sneaky copy of OK! had definitely heard of her BC (before Cole).

And wouldn't you feel just a little bit sick every time you signed your name, which for crazy-fan-hounded Cheryl must be significantly more often than I do.

Mind you, in light of Colleen's weekend, Cheryl's probably feeling she got off lightly and slightly less ill-disposed towards her errant ex than she did previously, but that's a whole different debate we'll leave until another day.

Should Cheryl ditch Cole (the name not the man)? Let us know your thoughts below.

By: Carla Bevan