Teenager Wears Slogan T-Shirt Calling Out Bigotry And The Internet Is Obsessed


Slogan t-shirts are designed to get a reaction, but when one 17-year-old high school student shared a photo of his latest purchase, he couldn’t have had any idea just how popular his statement would prove to be.

Aaron Tamez’s statement shirt says: “Why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic when you could just be quiet?”

Tamez, who is from Texas, US, told Buzzfeed he has been a victim of homophobic bullying in the past, and when he saw the top on Green Box Shop’s Instagram page, it spoke to him.

“I have been a victim of bullying because I am gay, and yes, I have overcome all of these obstacles in my life and when I saw the shirt I was amazed,” said Tamez.

And he isn’t the only one.

Within five days of posting the picture of himself in the school locker room, snapped by his friend Sydney on 6 January, the tweet was retweeted 86,000 times and lots of people want their own.

In fact the shirt has gathered fans all over the world.