Sony Liverpool: WipEout Studio Posts Cryptic 'We Are Alive' Message

'We Are Alive': Game Studio Shuttered By Sony Posts Cryptic Message Online

The games development studio behind WipEout, which was recently closed by Sony in a restructure, might not be dead after all.

The Liverpool Studio's Twitter account, dedicated to WipEout 2048 (it's last full release) posted a cryptic tweet on Monday which said there might be hope for its fans.

"We. Are. Alive," said the Tweet, along with what appeared to be concept art for a WipEout-like game.

The message was also published on Sony Liverpool's Facebook page.

Sony have not yet commented on the message, and it is not known who was responsible for posting it.

The closure of Liverpool Studio, which began life as Psygnosis in 1984 before being bought by Sony in 1993, was met by widespread sadness by the gaming community.

At the time Sony said in a statement:

"Liverpool Studio has been an important part of SCE Worldwide Studios since the outset of PlayStation, and have contributed greatly to PlayStation over the years. Everyone connected with Liverpool Studio, past and present, can be very proud of their achievements.

"However, it was felt that by focusing our investment plans on other Studios that are currently working on exciting new projects, we would be in a stronger position to offer the best possible content for our consumers.

"Our Liverpool Facility will continue to operate, housing a number of other vital WWSE and SCEE Departments."