This Spot-Squeezing Cake Might Put You Off Dessert

We'll never look at cake in the same way again.

A cake with pimples that can actually be popped is here to take your spot-squeezing obsession to the next stage. Or, you know, make you gag a bit.

The cake portrays a woman’s face, covered in angry-looking pimples. When you squeeze them, sponge cake and chocolate pops out.

The Cakescape company in Kuala Lumpur has been receiving orders for the unusual creation for months, according to Mashable, with plenty of women ordering them in for their hen parties. (Yeah, we’re not sure why either.)

The cake represents a growing appetite for spot-squeezing content. A dermatologist called Dr Pimple Popper (aka Sandra Lee) has 2.5 million followers who tune in to watch her squeeze spots, blackheads and drain cysts on a daily basis.

People are divided by the edible creation. John Legere tweeted a photo of the cake and added: “There are just some things we don’t need in life...”

Tony Pizza (who clearly loves a good pun) tweeted: “A pus of this cake will please anyone who eats zit.”

Not grossed out enough yet? Here’s a video of the cake in action.

It’s not the first time spot-squeezing cakes have taken the internet by storm, last year bakers from Blessed By Baking were inspired by Dr Pimple Popper’s work to create cupcakes resembling huge pimples with white heads.

When the tops were squeezed, yellow icing resembling spot gunk oozed out.

We’ll leave you to watch the video.