A New Era Of Tech-Powered Health Which Brings Nurses To The Doorstep Of Patients

Over the years we have seen rapid development and adoption of technologies which have changed the way we live. But nowhere is this impact more apparent than in the medical and healthcare field. From prescribing medicine, automating workflow processes to Uber cabs taking patients' home from the hospital. There is no doubt that digital solutions open up avenues for healthcare professionals to ensure better patient care.

Over the years we have seen rapid development and adoption of technologies which have changed the way we live. But nowhere is this impact more apparent than in the medical and healthcare field. From prescribing medicine, automating workflow processes to Uber cabs taking patients' home from the hospital. There is no doubt that digital solutions open up avenues for healthcare professionals to ensure better patient care.

In recent years a relationship has been created between health providers and technology companies to enhance patient care and to support the NHS in tackling increasing pressures to manage shortage of staff on crowded wards. There is a shortage of nurses in almost every hospital in Britain with 96% failing to meet their own 'safe staffing' levels on wards.

The public's expectations have evolved to expect faster results, "anytime, anywhere", and this is the same for the treatment and service they receive in regards to their health. We are living in a hyper-personalised world, where patients want to ensure the treatment they receive is appropriate for them.

The huge influx of patients and an aging population is putting a strain on doctors who are delaying discharges due to issues associated with arranging care. Bed-blocking in the NHS has risen by 40% and bed-days lost as a result of delayed transfer of patients hit 193,680 in November last year, the third highest monthly total on record with it being 26% higher than in the same month the previous year.

Innovative technology-enabled care has the potential to transform health services to promote better patient care and utilise staff more efficiently. Harnessing the power of next generation technology creates a robust staffing model which can ease the nursing allocation process and bring them to the doorstep of patients. Reducing staff scheduling by up to 70% allows hospitals and treatment centers to direct support where it is needed to ensure patients get the best help.

Using a single interface allows health professionals to have comprehensive reporting of a patient's health at the click of a button. Healthcare is a paper driven sector, and there is a high volume of data that health professionals need to filter, store and analyse to support patients. This is the reason why there is an interest in reducing costs, waste, and increasing efficiency by using innovative care solutions to capture data which is less prone to human error and delaying treatment.

At the moment the nursing community is seeking ways to execute a robust strategy to alleviate the pain-points faced by the industry. By gifting nurses with the flexibility to work part-time, yet allowing them to earn the same or more, it eases the pressure on them and thus allow them to effectively promote a patient-centric practice. Innovative solutions which capture data for mobile workforces using real-time feeds, boost efficiency of staff by 20% and also ensure a positive impact on the quality of care for patients.