The Secret To Staying Young And Healthy Naturally

Aging is such a scare because most people start to judge and evaluate their life as they get older. When we are younger, we rarely ever measure ourselves in terms of physical and material achievements, but as we turn thirty or forty, we put this enormous pressure on ourselves and others about how things should and shouldn't be.

As most natural processes, aging is a beautiful and an organic experience. I know most people would disagree but as a matter of fact, getting old in number doesn't necessarily mean getting old in your mind, heart and soul.

I turned thirty less than a week ago and as expected, the grandma comments soon started to flood in. People couldn't stop talking about how depressing it is to not be in your twenties anymore. I couldn't help but feel bad for all those who thought that getting old is a bad thing. I realise this more now than ever, that being a certain age has nothing to do with where your life is at or how happy or successful you are.

Aging is such a scare because most people start to judge and evaluate their life as they get older. When we are younger, we rarely ever measure ourselves in terms of physical and material achievements, but as we turn thirty or forty, we put this enormous pressure on ourselves and others about how things should and shouldn't be.

For me, every age has its charm and challenges, its ups, and its downs. Turning thirty or forty or eighty for that matter has nothing to do with how you feel inside. I know that the saying 'age is only a number' is a cliche but it couldn't be truer.

I have never felt, happier, healthier and more in control of my life than I do at 30. I have a vision and a perspective and a sense of reality that I didn't when I was younger. So, getting old doesn't have to be as horrendous as people make it to be, provided you do the things that are right for you.

The most practical way to stay young and healthy in today's day and age is through regular meditation. Meditating is one of the most powerful and available methods to maintain a young and healthy mind and body. There are scientific researches based on countless benefits of meditation. Daily meditation practice requires commitment, willpower and discipline to see real-time results.

Research has also shown the difference in the brain of those who meditate on a regular basis vs those who don't. The greatest advantage of meditation is that it helps you maintain a good and uplifted attitude towards life no matter what the external circumstances are.

Having the right attitude, whether it is for an interview, for a first date or just on a bad day, is the key to success. Your attitude towards your health, towards your life, towards your loved ones and towards yourself defines everything. It is surely a challenge to maintain an uplifted attitude, especially when we have more distractions and competition in every field than ever before. But like most things in the world that are worth anything, this too doesn't come easy, but it certainly is achievable and definitely worth the effort.

The truth is, if you do it right, aging can be a healthy and a beautiful experience. Some recent studies have shown that the right mindset developed through meditation, followed by a healthy lifestyle can help you stay young for many years to come. But in order to set yourself up for a life that also feels good rather than just looks good, a certain amount of effort is required. You may realise that you slowly begin to cut down things that seem burdensome or unnecessary and take up a lot of room. This is one of the consequences of regular meditation. You will run out of reasons to stay in a bad job, a bad relationship or anything negative that doesn't serve your soul.

Meditation will help you simplify your life and give you that young and vibrant energy back that you had as a child. It will strengthen your immune system, balance the nervous system and increase the flow of creative energy. It will teach you not to take everything too seriously and remind you of the things that are truly important. You will stop wasting your time over things that drain your energy and find balance in all areas of life.