This Stunning 'Firefall' Only Occurs Once A Year But It's Worth Waiting For


Yosemite National Park is already widely regarded as one of the most naturally beautiful places on Earth but every year it reveals a secret that makes it just that little bit more special.

While you might recognise El Capitan (Apple loves using it for its wallpapers) you almost certainly won’t recognise it looking like this.

This is the phenomenon known as the “Firefall”. It takes place around the end of winter/spring when the snows start melting and the sun’s rays hit the Horsetail Fall just right.

It’s an astonishing sight that transforms the waterfall from an already impressive spectacle to an otherworldly sight that makes it look like lava careering off the cliff edge.

It’s a rare sight to capture and right now photographers are streaming to the park to try and capture a rare glimpse of a phenomenon that could disappear as soon as it appeared.