Study Reveals The Extreme Lengths People Go To To Avoid Embarrassment When Pooing At Work

How To Poo In Peace At Work
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White toilet bowl in a bathroom

We may have all read 'Everyone Poops' as children, but it seems as adults we are still coy about going to the loo - especially on a date or at work.

A study from Indiana University examining "social concerns that can accompany fecal matters" has revealed the extreme lengths people go to to hide the fact that they need to use the bathroom from their peers.

Speaking to 172 university students, the research showed that straight women and gay men were most concerned about being heard in the loo.

"Some persons controlled their sphincter muscles to let out gas or excrement slowly, thus decreasing the sound of their bowel movement," the study says.

One heterosexual man is reported to have stated: "If it is going to be loud, I would stop and go, meaning let it out in intervals so it would not be a big kerplunk sound."

Other techniques include using toilet paper to muffle the sound and turning the hand dryer on before entering the cubicle.

A quick discussion of "toilet tactics" here at HuffPost UK HQ revealed it's not just students that worry about making noise in the toilet.

Tricks suggested by staff include coughing at the key moment, padding the toilet with risky amounts of paper and err, singing.

"When you go for a number one and it escalates to a number two and there are people still in the toilets, you frantically flush to mask the inevitable noises," one particularly toilet-concerned journo added.

Failing that, you can always skip using the toilet at work all together and run to your local Starbucks (just cross your fingers you don't see a work colleague there).

Although the Indiana University study - which is published in the journal Social Problems - was conducted back in 2005, it's gained attention again online after Discover Magazine featured an extract, showing poop is still a big problem for a lot of people.

So if you're still concerned about movements of the bowel at work, check out HuffPost Live's guide to good toilet etiquette in the workplace.

Passing Time On The Toilet
Sharpen Your Mental Skills(01 of19)
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Whether you prefer crosswords, sudoku, or word problems, doing a puzzle or brain teaser of some sort is a good way to make sure you keep your mind sharp, and it might even slow brain aging. Do these for 20 or so minutes a day and you just might cheat father time. (credit:Shutterstock)
Customize Your Device(02 of19)
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Update your software, download new apps and delete apps that you're no longer using. Reorganize your apps into folders or separate your photos into albums. Add photos to contacts, update phone numbers and remove numbers you no longer need. Change your background, your ring tone or your alarm sound. Don't worry; It's not weird. 75% of Americans use their phone in the bathroom. (credit:AP)
Master Origami(03 of19)
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You've got an entire roll of perfectly square paper in front of you, so why not find a tutorial on your phone and practice making cranes, fortune tellers or paper flowers? You can start with these simple creations. (credit:Shutterstock)
Liven Up Your Wardrobe(04 of19)
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Use this down time to read some fashion blogs, add awesome items to your online wish lists and pin some cute clothing to your "Want" board on Pinterest. If you shop the "ending soon" section on online auction sites, you might even be able to win a new item before you're out the door. (credit:Shutterstock)
Get Zen(05 of19)
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Doing some simple breathing exercises or meditation is a good way to put those quiet moments alone to good use. Try some of these techniques if you need inspiration. (credit:Shutterstock)
Beat A Level In Your Favorite Game(06 of19)
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We know you've been stuck on that one level of Candy Crush or Angry Birds for a while, so take a few minutes to really focus on leveling up. Need a more thematically appropriate game for your bathroom time? Try Toilet Paper Dragging. (credit:Shutterstock)
Get Your Exercise In(07 of19)
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Working out is hard when you're busy. But imagine if you could get in 10-20 minutes of stretching and flexing in without changing your schedule. There are plenty of exercises designed to be done while sitting—whether on a yoga ball, a chair or, you know, a throne. (credit:Shutterstock)
Catch Up On Calls(08 of19)
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Finally make that appointment you've been pushing off, thank your mother for the card she sent, or say hello to that friend you've been playing phone tag with for the last few weeks. If you're really concerned about acoustics—and who could blame you—you can always send a quick text message instead or jot off an email. (credit:Shutterstock)
Send A Selfie(09 of19)
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You're just sitting there, after all, so why not send a silly face to brighten someone's day? If you're feeling particularly bold, you could even share it as a #tweetfromtheseat. (credit:Shutterstock)
Plan A Roadtrip(10 of19)
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Just because you're sitting down, doesn't mean you have to be idle. Canadian female action sports star Jolene Van Vugt set a new land speed Guinness World Record for a motorized toilet in May 2012, traveling 75 km/h. Just think of the places you'll go! (See what we did there?) (credit:Getty Images)
Write The Next Great American Novel(11 of19)
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If it's a lack of free time that's keeping you from finishing that doctoral dissertation or starting that short story collection, then no more excuses. With toilet time averaging roughly 20 minutes a day, just think of all the progress you'll make. (credit:Shutterstock)
Time Yourself(12 of19)
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Nothing like a personal record to give you a sense of accomplishment during otherwise idle time, right? If you need an app to help you, you're in luck! (credit:Shutterstock)
Design A Wearable Masterpiece(13 of19)
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If you're going to be staring at the toilet paper for a while, perhaps inspiration will strike and you can start designing the next trendy look, like these finalists in the ninth annual Cheap Chic Wedding Dress Contest did! (credit:AP)
Listen To A Podcast(14 of19)
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If you don't want to stop learning when you take your "study breaks," try listening to a podcast while you wait. Here are some great ones, broken down by category. (credit:Shutterstock)
Read A Chapter(15 of19)
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Put a dent in that book you've been carrying around, or pick up a new one just for keeping on a shelf in the bathroom. Here's a list of the Best Bathroom Books, if you need some inspiration. (credit:Shutterstock)
Check Your Stocks(16 of19)
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On second thought... (credit:Shutterstock)
Give Yourself A Touch Up(17 of19)
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Toss on a fresh coat of mascara, swipe on some fresh deodorant or pick some lint off your jeans. You'll emerge from the loo looking and feeling even better than when you went in. Just don't make these makeup mistakes. (credit:Shutterstock)
Get Up To Date On News(18 of19)
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Wether it's in print or on your phone, catching up on news you may have missed is a constructive way to use you quick break from the outside world. (credit:Shutterstock)
Clean Your Bathroom(19 of19)
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You're going to have to wipe down the counter and refill the soap dispenser anyway, so you might as well combine your trips, right? Just make sure everything you need is within reach before you get too settled... (credit:Shutterstock)