'Tongue To Teeth': Would You Use This Tongue-Mounted Toothbrush? (PICS)

Would You Use This Tongue-Mounted Toothbrush?

A new concept toothbrush might have you licking your teeth in anticipation.

The T2T ('Tongue To Teeth) is a disposable sheath which fits over the tongue and allows you to brush your teeth by licking them.

The invention is covered in rivets and dimples designed to remove plague and food from your gnashers.

It's the work of Canadians Adel Elseri and Said Fayad, who are currently auditioning for a place on a Canadian TV version of Dragons Den.

Their aim is to raise $100,000 and turn the product into a commercially viable idea. After featuring in the Montreal Gazette the T2T has since been picked up by the Mail Online, driving a huge amount of traffic onto their Facebook and Twitter pages.

They have also officially applied for their Canadian patent.

They say of their invention:

"Anywhere, Anytime ... discreet and refreshing, it creates a convenience for you!...Most importantly it helps maintain a clean and healthy oral hygiene."

So what do you think? Would you use one?