Here Are 16 People In The UK Already Bragging About Having Google Glass

Here Are 16 Glassholes Already Bragging About Having Google Glass

Google Glass has arrived in the UK, and the race is on not only to acquire them first, but to be the first to casually humble-brag about owning them.

Entering the race are the below 16 Twitter users, who couldn't resist letting the world that their Glass has been ordered and is winging its way to their door.

To be fair, many are ordering for their businesses or for specific innovation labs and projects they have on the go -- which is Google's intent, of course.

It remains to be seen how Glass is greeted when it arrives on to the streets of the UK. But we can't help but think that the race is also on to be the first Glass wearer to get on Newsnight complaining about discrimination...

Here are 16 innovators, inventors and early-adopters bragging about placing their orders for the £1,000 fashion-tech item.