Brits Say 'No' To Porn Filters

Turns Out Everyone Loves Porn, Hates Porn Filters

Ofcom has stumbled upon what must be one of the most un-shocking revelations about the human being which is: people love porn.

The UK government implemented a ruling that meant all major ISPs had to give people the option of blocking porn sites from their connection.

Despite the option being available Ofcom's report found that almost no one is choosing to have it installed with only one provider managing to get over 10 per cent to sign up.

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Whilst you might think this was just down to people being unaware of the implementation, the porn filter had to be put in place as default, so in actual fact everyone had to have specifically 'opted out'.

To give you just some idea of how major the pubic's shunning was, here's the breakdown of those who opted to have the filter installed:

  • Virgin Media: 4%
  • BT: 5%
  • Sky: 8%
  • Talk Talk: 36%

As a disclaimer it's important to note that the porn filter only directly affected new customers, so everyone who was already with their ISP would have had to go and have it turned on manually.

According to Ofcom one of the biggest reasons for such a low adoption may have been the fact that when engineers come to install the service they'll often turn the filter off by default.