Oscars Presenter's Dress Went Viral For Looking Like A Vagina

Another Dress Has Gone Viral For Looking Like A Vagina

When Australian TV presenter Edwina Bartholomew attended the 2016 Oscars to cover the red carpet, she had no idea her outfit would be the fashion moment on everyone's lips.

More specifically, it was the 'silk gazar sculptured detail' on the ice blue Rachel Gilbert dress that got people talking.

Because they thought it looked like a vagina.

In what is now known as 'vajayjaygate', hundreds of people took to social media to comment on the dress, causing ‘the vagina dress’ to trend at the top of Google in Australia overnight.

"Nice but why is there a uterus on your dress?" one person wrote on her Instagram page. "Lose the Vajayjay and it would have been perfect," another added.

Luckily, Bartholomew and her boyfriend also saw the funny side...

Vagina University Lessons
Women Climax Prematurely, Too(01 of28)
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You hear a lot of about premature ejaculation — the tendency for a man to ejaculate with little sexual stimulation, usually just after sex begins (or even prior to getting started). Doctors estimate that about 20 to 30 percent of men will prematurely ejaculate at some point in their lives.But it’s not just guys who peak too soon. A recent survey of Portuguese women between the ages of 18 and 45 found that about 40 percent of participants occasionally orgasm before they intend to — and about 3 percent of them do so chronically.While premature orgasm is certainly a problem for some females (and they should feel comfortable speaking about it with their doctors, says study researcher Serafim Carvalho, MD), a much more widespread issue for women is the inability to reach orgasm. (credit:Shutterstock)
Not All Orgasms Are Earth Shattering(02 of28)
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If you think you’re doing something wrong because each and every one of your orgasms isn’t scream-worthy , think again.“Some orgasms are sweet and gentle, some are big — but in fact, they are all pleasurable,” says Betty Dodson, PhD, a sex educator in private practice in New York City and the best-selling author of Sex for One and Orgasms for Two. But if you feel like your climaxes aren’t up to par, Dodson advocates scheduling some “alone time” to learn about what arouses you, as well as your range of orgasmic responses (then you can share this information with your partner!). (credit:Shutterstock)
You Don't Want To Smell Like Flowers (03 of28)
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"Avoid all sprays, lotions and deodorants in this area. It is not supposed to smell like flowers," says Stacy Lyon, founder of natural feminine care products Healthy Hoo Hoo. Some baby wipes and feminine hygiene wipes could lead to irritation. Lyon also says not to use pads and panty-liners everyday to feel fresh. "Constant use causes skin irritation and prevents the skin from breathing in the area." (credit:Shutterstock)
Are High Heels Orgasmic?(04 of28)
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Shoe designer Christian Louboutin made quite a splash when he told British newspaper The Sunday Times that high heels and orgasms have a lot in common. “What is sexual in a high heel is the arch of the foot, because it is exactly the position of a woman's foot when she orgasms,” he said. “So putting your foot in a heel, you are putting yourself in a possibly orgasmic situation.”Is that true? We’re not so sure. But we do know that those oh-so sexy stilettos can bring on a whole lot of pain — and according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), they are more likely to cause bunions. (credit:Shutterstock)
Take A Look Yourself (05 of28)
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It's your vagina -- make sure you know everything about it. "I tell ladies to grab a mirror and get acquainted. Look, touch and feel for changes," Lyon says. (credit:ShutterStock)
Want To Orgasm? Get Your Head In The Game(06 of28)
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Your sky-high electric bill, that big meeting at work, last night’s episode of "The Kardashians" — are you constantly thinking about everything but sex when you’re having sex?Join the club — research reported in the journal Sexologies points out that many women have difficulty reaching orgasm because of their wandering, distracting thoughts mid-romp. And oftentimes, those thoughts are negative, according to the study’s 191 participants (troubling thoughts included sexual dysfunction, body image issues, even sexual abuse).If your mind keeps wandering during sex, you may want to make a conscious effort to keep your mind on the prize. (credit:Shutterstock)
Wash It (07 of28)
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"The vulva and vagina should be cleaned with a bland bar soap once a day," says Lyon. She also recommends staying away from liquid body washes because they often irritate the vulva area and can lead to burning or itching. Also, you don't have to wash your vagina with a soap-based substance every time you go to the washroom -- over-cleaning can also cause irritation. (credit:ShutterStock)
The Hands-Free Orgasm Is Real(08 of28)
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“A few folks can literally ‘think’ off,” says Dodson. (Supposedly, that list includes Lady Gaga — as she once told New York Magazine “You know, sense memory is a powerful thing. I can give myself an orgasm just by thinking about it.”)Don’t think you can reach climax by harnessing your dirty thoughts? You can certainly enjoy making an attempt of it, says Dodson. And the visualization that could get you there might spice up your sex life, no matter what the outcome. Even if your thoughts alone aren’t orgasmic, thinking about — and talking about — sex makes for sexier foreplay. (credit:Shutterstock)
Wipe From The Front(09 of28)
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Always wipe from front to back. . "Wiping wrong drags butt bacteria forward and it can get in the wrong spot creating irritation and an infection," she says. (credit:Shutterstock)
You Can ‘Yogasm’(10 of28)
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A recent revelation about yoga is bringing all new meaning to the phrase “downward facing dog.” Some yoga fanatics are claiming that, mid-yoga-session, they have been known to experience a “yogasm” — an orgasm set off without any sort of stimulation or touching involved.Though the concept has been around for a while, more and more yogis have been speaking out it about, bringing yoga-induced orgasms a whole lot of attention. Are they real? Absolutely, sexologist Jeffre TallTrees recently told The Daily Beast. “When women engage their PC [pubococcygeus] muscles, the tissue around the g-spot swells, which can lead to climax.” (credit:Shutterstock)
You Can ‘Coregasm,’ Too(11 of28)
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Turns out, flat abs aren't the only thing you can achieve by hitting the gym. According to Men's Health, that extra set of crunches may also help women reach mind-blowing orgasms.This phenomenon — known as the "coregasm" — sometimes occurs when women perform certain abdominal exercises, such as side crunches and single leg planks. These workouts cause tension in the legs and abdomen, and when combined with dopamine and endorphins released during exercise, experts say this can be all the stimulation that's needed. In addition, since these movements hit the inner thighs, women with strong abdominal muscles may inadvertently squeeze the pelvic muscles in the process.One motion won't do the trick, but repeatedly contracting the muscles during ab training might. But fitness experts warn that you should never sacrifice good form in the pursuit of the big O during your workout. (credit:Shutterstock)
Avoid Certain Lubricants (12 of28)
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Avoid using Vaseline, rubbing alcohol and other heavy-duty lubricants in the area. "Choose water-based lubricants or silicone-based lubricants," she says. (credit:Shutterstock)
Orgasms Can Relieve Pain(13 of28)
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Should you ditch the painkillers for a romp in the hay or solo-style sex? “I recommend women masturbate to orgasm to relieve their monthly cramps,” says Dodson.There are several possible reasons climaxing kills pain. The chemical and muscular cascade involved in having an orgasm may be a pain reliever, she says — and chances are that distraction and profound relaxation also help. In any case, it can’t hurt to try. (credit:Shutterstock)
Orgasms May Actually Get Better With Age(14 of28)
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Whether having an orgasm is qualitatively better at age 40 than age 20 is hard to say. However, chances are, you know your body better and are more comfortable with sex and your partner when you get older. “A young body may respond better to orgasm, but an aging body might have more appreciation for an orgasm,” says Dodson. Take the time to learn about your changing orgasmic style. (credit:Shutterstock)
Most Guys Are Seven-Minute Men(15 of28)
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For many people, the length of time it takes to reach orgasm varies and depends on a number of different factors, including arousal, stress levels, tiredness, and relationship dynamics.However, researchers have established that, for men, “from penetration to ejaculation, the average time is seven minutes,” says Niederberger. The timeframe for women is considerably more variable — in fact, women’s orgasms overall are less predictable: Some females may never achieve climax with vaginal intercourse, and some claim to have multiple orgasms. (credit:Shutterstock)
Turns Out, The Female Orgasm Is Important(16 of28)
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Your ninth-grade biology teacher probably told you this: For reproduction purposes, only the male orgasm is necessary.While he certainly has a point (male ejaculation, which accompanies orgasm, helps improve the chances of the sperm making their way toward the woman’s egg), Indiana University professor Elizabeth Lloyd has been studying the purpose of female climax for some time. Here’s what she found: The female orgasm promotes “pair bonding,” which means a couple is more likely to pursue parenting; it’s a part of mate selection (a woman chooses her partner based on his ability to make her climax); and there is some belief that contractions during the female orgasm help draw sperm into the uterus.So go ahead — have an orgasm tonight, for science’s sake. (credit:Shutterstock)
The Truth About Multiple Orgasms(17 of28)
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Do some women orgasm, only to orgasm again (and then yet again)?While it is certainly possible for individuals to have more than one orgasm in a sexual interlude, Dodson says to proceed with caution. “My concern with so-called ‘multiple orgasms’ is that I believe many women are actually counting the naturally occurring autonomic reflexes that can follow an orgasm,” she says. Of course, these “aftershocks” can still be quite pleasurable. (credit:Shutterstock)
Do Your Research (18 of28)
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If you're heading to a waxing salon for a bikini or Brazilian wax, make sure you do your research. "Make sure you're seen by a licensed esthetician and that they don't double-dip the wax application stick." (credit:ShutterStock)
Talk To Your Doctor (19 of28)
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Visit your gynecologist at least once a year for a health check-up. You may also want to consider getting a pap smear depending on your age and history. (credit:Shutterstock)
Yeast Infections (20 of28)
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WHAT: Vaginal yeast infections are caused by a fungus called candida.
HOW: Yeast infections are more common than you may think. Symptoms include itchy vajayjays and thick, white, clumpy discharge that is similar to cottage cheese. Other symptoms can include pain while urinating or discomfort during sex.
FIX IT: Oral pills from the drugstore and even homemade remedies like inserting garlic into your vagina, can fight off yeast infections. If your infection is minimal, it may just go away on it's own.
Vaginitis (21 of28)
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WHAT: Vaginitis is inflammation of the vagina.
HOW: This infection is your body telling you something's not right. It usually occurs when "foreign objects" like condoms, scented tampons or even soaps come in contact with your lady part. Symptoms include the dreadful itch, swelling of the vulva, stinky odour and foamy green or yellow, or even bloody discharge.
FIX IT: Ladies, if you feel any of these symptoms, go see your gynecologist.
Bacterial Vaginosis (22 of28)
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WHAT: Bacterial vaginosis is the imbalance of bacteria types in the vagina.
HOW: This is one infection you'll notice right away -- probably because of the light grey discharge and fishy odour. BV is also common during sex (you may notice bleeding after sex). Having multiple sexual partners, douching or even smoking may lead to higher risks of BV.
FIX IT: Antibiotics can work but talking to your gyno about prescriptions first and lead you in the right path.
Atrophic Vaginitis(23 of28)
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WHAT: Atrophic vaginitis happens when your body stops producing estrogen and well, your lady flower decides to get droopy and dry up.
HOW: It's not always about menopause. AV can happen because of lactation, periods or using anti-estrogenic drugs. And it doesn't stop there. AV symptoms include inflammation, itching, burning and discomfort during urination.
FIX IT: Topical or oral estrogen could be effective treatments and using lubricants during sex also helps.
Vaginal Dryness (24 of28)
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WHAT: This type of dryness can hit at any age -- leaving our lady parts feeling prune-ish.
HOW: Even though it's more common in post-menopausal women, vaginal dryness occurs with low estrogen levels, inadequate foreplay and medical disorders like diabetes.
FIX IT: The good news is, this dryness can be easily fixed. Increase your foreplay for natural lubrication or try daily vaginal moisturisers.
Semen Allergies (25 of28)
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WHAT: Ahh-cho. Some women may feel itching or burning after intercourse with no signs of an infection.
HOW: Experts say itching, burning, swelling, redness, rashes or hives are common symptoms of semen allergies.
FIX IT: The first treatment is using a condom during sex, but you should also talk to a professional on overcoming intimacy obstacles.
Vulvodynia (26 of28)
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WHAT: Vulvodynia is an "unprovoked" stinging and burning anywhere on the vulva with no apparent cause.
HOW: There could be several reasons for vulvodynia, but your doctor may look at medical history and cancel out other infections first.
FIX IT: Treatments differ depending on the individual. Some include soothing gels before sexual intercourse or vulvar ice packs to chill your vj.
Eczema...Down There (27 of28)
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WHAT: Eczema causes inflammation and redness to skin -- even the skin around your vagina.
HOW: Eczema usually runs in the family. It can also be caused by conditions like asthma or allergies
FIX IT: Treatments are easy to find -- and plentiful. Anti-itch medications, cleansers, lubricants can all help with stopping the itch.
Folliculitis (28 of28)
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WHAT: If you're looking for a quick pube fix, ladies, say no to the razor. Folliculitis otherwise known as ingrown hairs occur when hair follicles become infected.
HOW: Now even though razors and shaving are big culprits, your skin, weight, exposure to hot water or even tight clothes can also cause ingrown hairs.
FIX IT: Ingrown hairs usually heal on their own. To speed up the process, try warm soaks, medicated creams or for larger boils, surgical drainage.