Virgin Galactic Staff Head Back To Work Just Days After Crash

Virgin Galactic Staff Are Already Back At Work

Virgin Galactic's staff have started returning to work for the first time since the tragic crash of SpaceShipTwo which killed one pilot and left another with major injuries.

Speaking to ITN, Virgin Galactic's CEO George Whitesides explains why they're letting people go back to work so soon:

"Easing people back into work but I think for many folks here work is therapeutic, and it gives them a chance to connect to something they feel passionately about."

"The team has been working very hard on serial number two and they're all eager to understand what happened and move forward."

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Richard Branson, owner of Virgin Galactic has been vehemently denying claims that Virgin Galactic had ignored safety concerns over the space ship's unique 'Feathering' braking system.

Initial reports suggest that the braking system had activated just prior to the crash.