Watch: Fashion Editor Goes To Town On Devil Wears Prada

Watch: Fashion Editor Goes To Town On Devil Wears Prada

Fashion film The Devil Wears Prada gave a pretty stark portrayal of what might be going down inside Conde Naste's offices - man, Meryl Streep can do scary! - but did they really get it right on how trends are dictated from the top down?

Huffington Post Live caught up with Jezebel's Anna Holmes, brand consultant Andrea Linett and Stella Bugbee of The Cut to talk trends and this killer clip from the film. Watch this...

Stella Bugbee argues that: "When they reach the mass trends trickle down, but they come from the street and they from subcultures, music cultures."

In terms of sustainable fashion, the really wearable pieces that stay classic? Stella says: "I think that trends are mostly for young people and that it's a lot about discovering who you are... and as the decades progress you can pick and choose what's going to stay with you. Andrea's right if it works at 50 and at 15 years-old, it's probably classic."

So trends aren't always fresh from the runway, designers get they're inspiration from individuals. The everyday peoples. The kookier and crazier the better yes, but sometimes it's all about the subtle, the understated.

Love Meryl's fabulous style? Take a look through this gallery to see how she gets it right every time...