Weekly Wellbeing: 20 Ways To Spring Clean Your Fitness Regime (PICTURES)

Weekly Wellbeing: 20 Ways To Spring Clean Your Fitness Regime

Spring is here, hurrah! *blows trumpet*

But as we welcome brighter days and wave goodbye to the doom and gloom of winter, many of us dread what's waiting on the horizon: summer.

Which means getting back into that bikini. *face plants desk*

But fear not, there's still time to get back into shape in time for the beach, Shape.com have come up with 20 ways to spring clean your fitness regime.

From teaming up with a friend to stepping off the scales, here's all you need to get that bikini body back.

20 Ways to Spring Clean Your Fitness Routine
Have A Check-Up(01 of20)
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While you might look and feel just fine (or really hate needles), it's important to keep tabs on things like blood pressure, cholesterol, and vitamin deficiencies before designing your workout programme. (credit:Shutterstock)
Set A Schedule... But Be Realistic(02 of20)
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If you haven't been working out much this winter, don't write down that you'll do outdoor cardio exercises for 30 minutes a day, six days a week. You'll only find yourself getting frustrated and will be more likely to give up on your workout program. Post your exercise plan in places you'll look frequently, like the calendar app on your smartphone or at your desk at work. (credit:Shutterstock)
Team Up(03 of20)
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You're more likely to stick with your plan if you've got a partner in crime. Choose someone who has similar goals whose schedule fits with your own. Your best bet: Get together at the same time four days a week, whether it's before work or just before dinner. (credit:Flickr:pixajen)
Buy New Running Shoes(04 of20)
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If you've been hitting the gym (and the treadmill) all winter, chances are, you're due for a new pair. Most running shoes last somewhere between 300 and 400 miles -- but if you use them to walk around or do other parts of your gym routine, that wear and tear counts, too. Go to a running specialty store to get fitted, and have them look at your gait/pronation to find the best shoe for you. (credit:Flickr:Yanki01)
Clean Out Your Cupboards(05 of20)
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Get rid of all foods that have low nutritional value. Yes (unfortunately) that means crisps, sugary cereals, white bread etc. (credit:Flickr:adamdachis)
Protect Your Skin(06 of20)
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Now that it's warming up, you'll be heading outside again. This means more sunshine (and vitamin D, which is a good thing), but it also means that your skin is exposed to harmful UV rays. Rub waterproof lotion with at least SPF 15 or more over all exposed areas of your body. Don't forget easy-to-miss areas like behind your ears, the back of your neck and the crease near your underarms. (credit:Flickr:Fifth World Art)
Pump Up Your Playlist(07 of20)
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Still listening to the same tracks from December? Do some iPod "spring cleaning" by downloading a fresh workout playlist to get you going. (credit:Shutterstock)
Skip(08 of20)
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Heading outside and doing this favourite childhood "workout" can burn about 208 calories in just 20 minutes. Add other outdoor cardio exercises like walking lunges, short sprints, and star jumps, and you've got yourself a circuit program you can do right in your back garden. (credit:Shutterstock)
Update Your Workout Wardrobe(09 of20)
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Still sweating it out in cotton T-shirts? Throw away worn-out workout clothes and replace them with shorts and tops made from breathable fabrics. While you're at it, update your sports bras, too (a typical bra has a lifespan of about six months, although hand-washing can make them last longer). (credit:Flickr:lululemon athletica)
Stretch Out(10 of20)
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The best way to prevent injury is to stretch before and after your workouts. Here's how it's done: Warm up with 10 minutes of light outdoor cardio exercises, then do dynamic stretching -- as in, stretching while moving. This includes lunges, touching your toes and walking your hands forward, swinging your legs while standing and twisting from side to side. After your workout, complete "static" stretches -- a.k.a. your typical "touch and hold" routine. Yoga, Pilates, and dance classes are also great ways to stay flexible. (credit:Flickr:lululemon athletica)
Stay Hydrated(11 of20)
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Avoid muscle cramping and fatigue by drinking about two litres of water a day. Another general rule of thumb: The more you sweat, the more fluids you need to replace, so drink up after a vigorous workout. (credit:Flickr:Angela Winnie)
Plan A Trip(12 of20)
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Outdoor exercises are great, but if the weather's still cool where you live, take a "health" holiday to a resort with hiking, biking and other activities (plus warm weather), or sign up for a yoga retreat. (credit:Flickr:Sweet Carolina Photography)
Get Sporty(13 of20)
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Break up your routine with outdoor exercises like tennis or golf, or team up with friends for an afternoon of ultimate frisbee. (credit:Flickr:J Resort Alidhoo Maldives)
Hit The Farmers Market(14 of20)
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Soak up some of that spring sunshine while you shop for fresh fruits and veggies. Other items worth picking up include fish, dried fruits and nuts. (credit:Flickr:Derrick Coetzee)
Change Your Thinking(15 of20)
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Instead of designing goals based purely on weight loss, concentrate on how you feel. If counting calories has you down, think in terms of portions instead. Constantly checking the clock during your workout? Chances are you need to find a sport or activity you actually enjoy. (credit:Shutterstock)
Step Off The Scale(16 of20)
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Muscle weighs more than fat, so although you may look more toned, there's a chance you might not be shedding pounds at the rate you'd expect. To get an accurate measure of your progress, use measuring tape once every two weeks to see where you're trimming inches from your waist, hips and other target areas. (credit:Shutterstock)
Jump On The Twitter Train(17 of20)
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Get vocal about your fitness routine and goals and make friends with other women looking to get motivated this spring with a Twitter feed. Give updates on your progress, post links to your favorite fitness articles and products, and cheer on others (they'll do the same for you). (credit:Shutterstock)
Tie On Weights(18 of20)
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Tone up arms and legs by doing your regular routine -- whether it's walking to the store, cleaning your house or walking the dog -- while using wrist and/or ankle weights. The resistance will help strengthen muscles (and get your body that much more ready for bikini season). (credit:Alamy)
Sign Up For A Race(19 of20)
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Adding positive goals to your fitness routine will make you feel better and also give a purpose to your training other than losing weight or fitting into those skinny jeans. Look into local road races -- the 5K distance is perfect for beginners -- and sign up with your training partner. It's also a great way to get involved in your local fitness community! (credit:Flickr:Derek John Lee)
Reward Yourself(20 of20)
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Don't forget to take care of your hard-worked body! A sports massage is the perfect way to pamper yourself, while alleviating toxins and speeding up muscle recovery. (credit:Flickr:Zenspa1)

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