2015 Style Awards: And the Winter Winner Goes to...

We suffer through Blue Monday, woeful winds stronger than Channing Tatum doing squat thrusts with Geoff Capes and days greyer than Christian Grey lying on a grey bed in a grey room, crowing about all the shades of grey he can think of, like a depressed Dulux colour chart.

There's glitz and glam and glimmering shine at every awards show - yet I'm struggling to look even vaguely glamorous at this time of year.

It's like the guys running the Oscars and the Golden Globes know how miserable winter is, especially when you're back at work after the red wine and turkey-fuelled festive season.

We suffer through Blue Monday, woeful winds stronger than Channing Tatum doing squat thrusts with Geoff Capes and days greyer than Christian Grey lying on a grey bed in a grey room, crowing about all the shades of grey he can think of, like a depressed Dulux colour chart.

So we should be thankful for the awards season bringing some pizzazz into these darker months. Yet, it's difficult to not resent K-Stew and Meryl Streep, with their makeup assistants and personal designers, when I'm barely able to avoid flaky skin from the freezing weather.

All this award talk got me thinking - what gongs would I hand out when it came to beauty tips that will give you A-list gloss?

Best for winter health

Trying to avoid dry skin in winter is like trying to avoid Paul Daniels when you're Debbie McGee - it ain't gonna happen.

Wind will batter you, snow will smother the streets and the biting cold will leave your skin looking more parched than the Gobi Desert.

The award for Best Winter Health, then, goes to my combination of moisturiser and a strong Max Factor foundation. Try this every morning and you'll soon have healthier looking skin - even if the cold snap is still raging outside.

Most Striking Style in 2015

As people move through the streets in their dark winter coats and frowning faces, I can't think of any better way to cheer myself up than standing out from the crowd.

My gong for the Most Striking Style in 2015 goes to a combination I like to call the "tight look". Start with a tightly coiled topknot (only those with long hair need apply) and combine it with heavily angled flicks of eyeliner and thick, dark eyebrows.

It's an angular look that suits the harsher weather beautifully. You'll see the Cara Delevignes of the world sporting this style on catwalks all year round - so get in on some of the action.

Most long-lasting effects

The prize for Most Long-Lasting Effects has to go to laser hair removal, a technique I swear by to give you cleaner and follicle-free skin.

Just imagine the pains of waking up on a winter morning and finding you look like Chewbacca's hairier cousin. Whether your upper lip is presenting you with an unwanted caterpillar or your leg hairs grow back within nanoseconds of shaving, a good dose of laser treatment will sort the problem out pronto.

It takes less than six visits and will scythe those follicles for good, prepping you for a bikini bod when summertime arrives.

Best for natural health

Forget about style and makeup - my final award for the evening goes to natural health.

It's so easy to linger in a poorly state after the holidays, even when your resolution is to get fit for 2015. But I've been keeping healthy by exercising for 15 minutes every day, consuming my regulation eight glasses of water a day and cooking meals high in vitamins and minerals.

And if you're looking peppy, you'll be able to wear whatever you like and still look great. Heck, Kate Moss could stalk the streets in a bin bag and she'd still look fantastic, in part because of her great diet.

Anyway, that's award season over. I hope you'll be feeling more stylish than ever for the months to come.