Forget The Gym: Here's A Brilliant Workout You Can Do At Home

Forget The Gym: Here's A Brilliant Workout You Can Do At Home
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Image Source/Dan Bannister via Getty Images

If you aren't ready to hit the gym, or you just can't bear going outside, there are ways of getting fit at home that involve nothing but your towel and trainers.

Zaggora, the activewear company, have put together a hot winter workout written by Linda Jones that takes around 15 minutes and can be done in your living room. It's a high intensity exercise followed by lesser intensity and a rest period. If you have kit that heats up (like Zaggora do) make sure you wear it to get the most out of your exercise.

The benefits, they say is that it drives up your metabolism, keeps you warm and doesn't involve the gym. You'll need to spend three minutes warming up and cooling down - which is important to protect your muscles.

In every round, you do each exercise for 30 seconds each, followed by 20 seconds of rest.

Winter Workout At Home
ROUND ONE: Ski Split Jumps(01 of32)
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Start in a lunge position with one leg forward the other back.

Bend your back knee down towards the floor.

Explode up leaving the ground completely.

Switch legs mid air, land and then explode back up.

Continue repeatedly.
ROUND ONE: Lunge(02 of32)
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Standing in a split stance position with one leg forward and the other back, weight on to your back toe.

Slowly lower back knee down towards the floor keeping the spine straight and shoulders down Return back up to the start position.
ROUND TWO: Snowboarding Jumps (1)(03 of32)
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Start by standing up straight with your feet together. (credit:Zaggora)
ROUND TWO: Snowboarding Jumps (2)(04 of32)
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Jump both feet forward, then to your right, then behind you and finally to your left.

Keep your hands free for balance.
ROUND TWO: Snowboarding Jumps (3) (05 of32)
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Once back to the start, repeat until the time has expired. (credit:Zaggora)
ROUND TWO: Narrow Leg Squats (1)(06 of32)
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Standing tall, feet almost together.

Looking slightly above the horizon, both arms out in front of you and weight distributed through your heels.
ROUND TWO: Narrow Leg Squats (2)(07 of32)
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Slowly sit back as if you were going to sit in a chair and stop just before your quads reach parallel to the floor.

Exhale and stand up.
ROUND THREE: Ice Skating Lunges (1)(08 of32)
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Standing upright with feet together.

Place one foot on a towel or something which will slide along the floor.
ROUND THREE: Ice Skating Lunges (2) (09 of32)
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Keeping your chest lifted, slide your foot backwards with your weight remaining on the standing leg.

Pulling up through the front heel and slide the leg back up to meet standing leg in the start position.
ROUND THREE: Reverse Lunges (1)(10 of32)
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Standing upright with feet together.

Slowly step one foot back behind you, landing on your toes.
ROUND THREE: Reverse Lunges (2)(11 of32)
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Keeping chest lifted, lower back knee down towards floor as far as feels comfortable.

Pulling up through the front heel, return your moving leg up and drive the knee up in front of you.
ROUND FOUR: Ice Hockey Jumps (1)(12 of32)
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Stand up straight with your feet together.

Swing one foot around and back behind you, not touching the floor.
ROUND FOUR: Ice Hockey Jumps (2) (13 of32)
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Drop back knee down whilst bending the front knee slightly, always looking slightly above the horizon.

Hop and jump, bringing yourself back up to the start position and land down on opposite side, swinging other leg back behind you.

Continue repeatedly, alternating legs until the time has expired.
ROUND FOUR: Drop Lunges (1) (14 of32)
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Stand up straight with feet together.

Slowly bring one foot around and back behind you, crossing the front leg.
ROUND FOUR: Drop Lunges (2)(15 of32)
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Drop back knee down as far as comfortable, always looking slightly above the horizon.

Return back up to the start position.

Repeat on the other leg and alternate slowly until the time has expired.
ROUND FIVE: Ski Squat Jumps (1)(16 of32)
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Place feet hip width apart, toes facing forward.

Lift chest so your back is straight.

Looking slightly above the horizon, both arms out in front and weight distributed over the heels.
ROUND FIVE: Ski Squat Jumps (2)(17 of32)
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Slowly sit back as if you were going to sit in a chair.

Pause briefly then looking up, jump up as high as you can, landing on both feet with bent knees.
ROUND FIVE: Squat To Overhead Reach (1)(18 of32)
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Standing tall, feet hip width apart.

Looking slightly above the horizon, both arms out in front of you and weight distributed through your heels.
ROUND FIVE: Squat To Overhead Reach (2)(19 of32)
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Slowly sit back as if you were going to sit in a chair and stop just before your quads reach parallel to the floor.

Exhale and stand up swinging both arms up and over your head.
ROUND SIX: Mountain Climbers (1)(20 of32)
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Get in to a full press up position, face down.

Keep tummy strong and belly button drawn up.

Relax shoulders and maintain a straight spine.
ROUND SIX: Mountain Climbers (2)(21 of32)
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Jump one knee up towards your chest.

Return back and repeat on other side.

Alternate at speed until the time has expired.
ROUND SIX: Rock Climbers (1)(22 of32)
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Get in to a full press up position with slightly staggered hands.

Keep tummy strong and belly button drawn up.

Relax shoulders and maintain a straight spine.
ROUND SIX: Rock Climbers (2)(23 of32)
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Slowly bring one knee up and outwards towards the same side elbow.

Repeat on other side and alternate until the time has expired (changing hand position half way).
ROUND SEVEN: Sled Crunch (1)(24 of32)
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Lay down flat on your back.

Bend both knees so your feet are flat on the floor.

Bring both arms out in front of you.
ROUND SEVEN: Sled Crunch (2)(25 of32)
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Take a deep breath in and on the exhale sit up and reach both hands towards your knees.

Inhale and slowly return back down.
ROUND SEVEN: Sit-Up Toe Reach (1)(26 of32)
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Lay down flat on your back.

Legs should be flat out in front of you.

Bring both arms up and over your head.
ROUND SEVEN: Sit-Up Toe Reach (2)(27 of32)
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Take a deep breath in and on the exhale, slowly sit up and reach both hands towards your toes.

Feel the stretch through the backs of your legs, being careful not to reach too far forward.

Inhale and very slowly return back down.
ROUND EIGHT: Canoeing Ab Rotation (1)(28 of32)
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Sit down with your back up straight.

Bend both knees so your heels are resting on the floor.

Bend both arms so your hands are almost together in front of you.
ROUND EIGHT: Canoeing Ab Rotation (2)(29 of32)
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Lean slightly back and with a firm tummy, rotate and touch the floor to your left and then around to your right.

Repeat until the time has expired.
ROUND EIGHT: Side Lying Rotation (1)(30 of32)
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Lay down on your side with a support resting under your head.

Bend both knees in towards you.

Arms should be out stretched in front of you, hands together.
ROUND EIGHT: Side Lying Rotation (2)(31 of32)
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Slowly bring the top arm up and across your body, rotating it away and looking back at your hand.
ROUND EIGHT: Side Lying Rotation (3)(32 of32)
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Return back around to the start position.