Align With Your Life's Purpose and Use Your Unique Gift Doing What You Love

I used to be a hard-working corporate woman. My best shoulder firmly attached to the wheel, I dedicated my life to work. Being a television foreign correspondent in a city you could call the centre of the Western world (London) meant I had to drop everything when news broke.

"The meaning of life is to find your gift.

The purpose of life is to give it away."

Pablo Picasso

I used to be a hard-working corporate woman. My best shoulder firmly attached to the wheel, I dedicated my life to work. Being a television foreign correspondent in a city you could call the centre of the Western world (London) meant I had to drop everything when news broke. And news broke at the most inappropriate times: At a friend's birthday party, before a planned weekend away, during a long-awaited family reunion or on what could have simply been a lazy Sunday off.

But then my world turned upside down. I left Big TV. It felt like crazy at the time, but also enticingly liberating. I turned my back on (to quote Caroline Myss) 'how I thought my life should be and embraced the life that was working its way into my consciousness'. Luckily I had the bravado and trust to follow my gut, which led me to the other side of the planet to write a novel and years later open a beach yoga retreat. This huge life change didn't happen overnight, it took a few years to manifest. I've self-determined my life since over a decade now. And I have the financial freedom to decide whether it's a good day to work, or not.

There are pivotal moments in a woman's life which create the energy to trigger massive transformation. It could be - like in my case - losing your job. It could be the shock of becoming a mother, becoming ill or losing a loved one. These events propel you on new adventures and paths. Priorities shift. You may realise you've outgrown your old life. Having the carpet pulled out under your feet provides a great opportunity to tap into where you really want to be going.

What is your gift or your special gifts?

What makes you unique, beautiful and female?

What do you desire most? (What do you fear most? Sometimes it's easier to identify what you're afraid of.)

What else could you be doing with your talents?

It may seem impossible to be making money sewing bespoke scatter cushions, but if that's what you're passionate about, you wouldn't be the first entrepreneur to launch a successful business on the back of a whim.

"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step."

Naeem Callaway

I'm not saying that your career should be your purpose or that it even has anything to do with work. You may not need to leave the corporate world to fulfil your purpose. Many people find a regular job gives them the stability and backbone to levitate from. My former TV job was the perfect training ground for everything I do now; it was fulfilling my purpose in a different phase of my growth. It's also fallacy to think you have to go out in search of our purpose because your purpose is not separate from you. It's who you are in your essence. It's what floats your boat, rocks your world and lights you up. Those around you are lit up when you are being you. It is your authentic self.

Most of us get stuck in ruts. Modern life is busy and our energy is spent on so many different tasks and responsibilities. If you're often feeling frustrated that you're not fulfilling your potential, it might be time to do some deeper soul searching or some re-aligning in order to upgrade your life.

It's important you get to fulfil your potential; for yourself, for your children, for the future of our planet. I don't know whether you've heard about the tipping point effect that comes into play when more people are aligned with their life's purpose. At the moment 1% of the world's population is said to be using their unique gift. Once we hit 3% we're 'saving the planet' so to speak because the number of empowered and self-determined beings will grow exponentially.

Alongside writing books, articles, coaching and being a full-time mother of three, I run retreats. One of my main aims with these retreats is to provide a sacred space for women to get into their element. The locations are specifically chosen where nature is abundant, making it easier to connect with dreams and visions. Doing yoga helps align you physically, mentally and spiritually. Being by the ocean is invigorating and cleanses you from electromagnetic stress. And then of course the food you eat is important because it's the vessel for your vision. Being fed nutrient-dense meals and juices and not having to think about preparing them for a week opens up space for other creative thoughts and endeavours.

You were born a woman at this time in history for a reason. Not only are you privileged to be alive at this particular point in time which is so exciting, as we move from the separated ego to the interconnected collective and a more heart-centred society. But you have the education, resources and that amazing intuition inherent to your feminine nature to work miracles.

Sisterhood and humankind await your contribution.

The abundance of the universe welcomes and supports you, once you say yes to what it is you can give.

Give your deepest calling a voice, speak it out loud. Tell your loved ones or tell the world and take that step - even if it's a tentative, fairy step.