Stunning Photo Series Captures The Beauty Of People With Albinism

Magical 💛

A photographer has captured the “hypnotising beauty” of people with albinism in a fairytale-like photo project.

Yulia Taits, a photographer and graphic designer from Israel, said she often uses Photoshop in her work, but added that no editing was required for this particular series, as each of her subjects convey “pure natural beauty”.

Yulia Taits
Yulia Taits
Yulia Taits
Yulia Taits
Yulia Taits
Yulia Taits
Yulia Taits
Yulia Taits
Yulia Taits
Yulia Taits

Writing about the creative process on Bored Panda, she said: “All of the photographs were taken in white tones with no additional colouring. I’m excited to prove that white is not just one colour. It has many tints, shades and beautiful tones.”

Roughly one in every 17,000 people has some form of albinism, which means they have a reduced amount of melanin - the pigment that colours the skin, hair and eyes. This can cause characteristic signs and symptoms often obvious from birth such as white hair, light skin and pale eyes.  

There’s no denying people with albinism look different. But it’s this difference that makes them beautiful, says Tait.  

Her photographs are ethereal in nature and incorporate people, animals with white fur, and pale props - such as shells, butterflies and fluffy clouds. All in all, it makes for a magical photo series.

Taits said of the experience: “I was fortunately blessed with meeting amazing people. Their passion and encouragement attributes to this amazing project.”