22 Things No One Tells You About Life With A Newborn

You know you're in for sleepless nights and infinite diaper changes, but caring for a newborn comes with a host of other strange developments.
Parents are revealing what life with a newborn is really like.
Parents are revealing what life with a newborn is really like.

Nothing can prepare you for the intensity of caring for a newborn, but when it comes to how often they eat or how little you’ll sleep, at least you have a general idea of what’s about to hit you.

There are a host of other developments, however, that drastically alter your ability to function and can make you doubt your grip on reality. It’s a trippy time, punctuated by blissful moments of “was-that-a real-smile?” and the occasional astonishingly loud fart.

Whether you’re currently living in the trenches or looking ahead to what your future may hold, the funny parents of Twitter and the HuffPost Parents Facebook community have catalogued some of the things about parenting a newborn that caught them by surprise.

No one told me that having a newborn means you get hangovers on nights you don’t even drink

— David Bachowski (@whitespaceninja) January 18, 2020

No one told me the first day home from the hospital with a newborn I would sleep until 10am! They also didn’t tell me I’d go to bed at 9am.

— Danielle Coryell (@danielled734) January 7, 2019

No one told me my newborn would sound like a tiny dictator laughing at me whenever his diaper needed changing #newmom #newborn

— Ana(Gonzalez)Potzkai (@AnaGlezz) October 21, 2018

“They make you name it while barely human and maybe on drugs.” —Corrie Mae Bentley

“It’s astounding how many of your conversations suddenly center on poop: your poop, the baby’s poop, the amount of poop, the consistency of poop. Is the baby pooping enough, is he pooping too much? Are you cleaning yourself thoroughly after pooping so that your stitches don’t get infected?” —Rhonda Wheeler Stock

“How slippy they are when wet. Soap has more friction than a wet newborn.” —Laura Grant

The one thing NO ONE told me about having a newborn was all the paperwork..... From insurance, to certificates, to government crap, and doc stuff..... holy hell pic.twitter.com/5OHSuwCfrl

— Kyle Stephenson (@kstephenson93) April 12, 2022

When it comes to having a newborn baby, everyone told me about the lack of sleep and the endless amount of nappy changes.

No one, absolutely no one, told me about the near endless amount of singing I’d have to do 🎶

— Ivor Williams (@ivorinfo) April 8, 2021

I took biology all through high-school and no one told me that newborn babies can’t have water????!????! 🫠🫠🫠

— CUCCI (@misscuccicucci) March 10, 2023

“That you get sent their social security card so quickly and yet you’re in your zombie sleep deprived state and are supposed to be able to keep track of it in the mail ” —Lauren Farrelly

“How far their poop can travel if you aren’t quick enough with the diaper ” —Aline Marleau

“You don’t even have to take a test! They just let/expect you to take this little thing and turn it into a fully functional human! Like what?! I’m sorry, I’m still just barely functioning.” —Brittany Waters

No one told me how much our newborn would fart.

— Zach Christy (@Zachinpublic) May 24, 2020

No one ever told me that having a newborn means learning how to do everything one handed 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 #mommasboy pic.twitter.com/S9gSB1QmyB

— J E N N 🍒 (@JEENNIFERLOULOU) February 27, 2019

No one told me how hard it is to tell if a newborn is awake or asleep based on noise alone

— Shaena Montanari (@DrShaena) April 8, 2022

Why no one told me that you can’t even go to bathroom with a newborn. Quiet for an hour but the second my bottom touches toilet seat, cries. 🥴🙄

— b. (@BrianJamar_) March 13, 2021

Why no one told me that with a newborn, I would potentially have to breastfeed while sitting on the toilet? Wild. #newmom

— ♡ (@planetset) December 8, 2022

No one told me that 80% of newborn parenting is improvising lyrics to made up songs.

— Zoe Simpson (@zo_simpson) August 8, 2022

Here’s the things no one told me before birthing my newborn:
1. They need feeding ALL of the time. Want to pop out to find some shorts for the weekend. NO. As soon as he cries your top looks like you’ve dived into a milky swimming pool.

— 🍏 Tiny Teacher (@TinyTeacher20) July 14, 2022

No one told me my newborn would burp like a grown man…let alone snore like one 🥲 #likefatherlikedaughter

— Kay🫰🏼 (@kay_staal) October 21, 2021

FTM and no one told me no one takes care of you when you have a baby. Mentally and physically, you have to carry on with your newborn like you just didn’t give birth yesterday.

— emjay (@emjaylovey) March 18, 2022

Oh my god is there anything cuter than a newborn with hiccups? NO ONE TOLD ME SHE WOULD BE THIS CUTE!

— Lord LAborn_TXraised🌐(he/him) (@LAbornTXraised) September 14, 2021