34 Tweets About Kids Finally Being Back In School After Break

"Happy first day back to school for your kids to all who celebrate!"

There’s nothing like the joy of spending the holidays together as a family ... except perhaps dropping your kids off at school once winter break is over.

Here, the funny parents of X (formerly Twitter) put into words this indescribable joy. Whether what you crave is sleep, silence or simply a minute to collect your thoughts, those first moments after winter break has officially ended are the kind of delight holiday memories are made of.

Nothing says “I don’t know how to adult yet” like pulling out your kids’ backpacks at 7pm on the night before they go back to school and praying like a teenager there’s no homework inside we forgot to do.

— MomTransparenting (@momtransparent1) January 7, 2019

Do you hear that?? It’s the sound of my kids went back to school today..

— Gingy the Ginger Queen (@Feisty_Ginger_6) January 4, 2024

My kids aren't amused with me this morning and my back to school song in the car, but me, Mama 🙋🏼♀️ is soooo amused 😂

— Michelle 🔥🍢🏁 (@MBMNoles) January 4, 2024

Things are getting a little emotionally deregulated at the Queso house. Good things the kids go back to school tomorrow, am I right?


— The Queso (@thequeso) January 1, 2024

Are you sure you’re a parent if you aren’t now counting down the MINUTES until your kids are back in school?

— MomTransparenting (@momtransparent1) January 3, 2019

Me: OMG, I can't wait for Monday.

My husband, who has been home from work for two weeks: Oh, cause the kids are back in school?

Me: Yeeessssss, that's the only reason.

— The Salty Mamas (@saltymamas) January 5, 2020

Hey I have an idea for a holiday.

How about one where right before you go back to work and school you keep all the kids up later than they’ve ever stayed up and completely destroy their sleep schedule?

— Austen (@Austen) January 2, 2024

I don’t know who needs to hear this but resolutions don’t start til the kids are back in school.

— Ramblin Mama (@ramblinma) January 1, 2022

Finally, back to my regular routine of scrambling to get my kid out the door in time for school.

— Lauren Mullen (@DraggingFeeties) January 3, 2018

Not sure why my kid isn’t excited to go back to school.

I’m thrilled.

— Princess Consuela Banana Hammock (@iluvtacos0822) January 3, 2024

Me: My kids don’t go back to school until January 9th.

911 Operator: Oh God.

— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) January 3, 2023

For break, my kids wouldn’t sleep in no matter how late we stayed up or how much we begged them. By 7, baby was hollering into the monitor every day.

Today it’s back to work and back to school and back to daycare but it’s 8am and everyone but me is still sound asleep… 🫠🫠🫠

— Ruth Harper-Rhode (@ruthings) January 2, 2024

[non-parents returning to work after Christmas vacation]: It’s over

[parents dropping kids off at school after Christmas vacation]: We’re back

— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) January 3, 2024

Sex is good, but have you ever had your kids go back to school after Christmas break?

— The Fourth Way (@The4thWayYT) January 4, 2024

There should be a holiday just for parents on the first day that kids are back at school from winter break.

— Ross! (@areyoubadenough) January 2, 2024

Today the kids are returning back to school which means I can go get McDonald’s for lunch and not hide it from them cuz they won’t even know.

— Joe Chaos (@BornOfChaos13) January 3, 2024

I just found out my kids doesn’t go back to school until Thursday, and I am pissed. How dare they make me spend more time with him. 😑

— O l i v i a (@oliviacola) January 1, 2024

I went back to bed after dropping the kids off at school, woke up with birds chirping and bright sunshine, thought I slept through winter.

— Jeff Bogle (@OWTK) January 4, 2017

[kids running around the house screaming]

Me: Okay, enough roughhousing. Time to pack up and go wait for the bus.

Son: School doesn't start until next week.

Me: No back talk, little man. Chop-chop. Outside.

— The Dad (@thedad) August 17, 2019

me: so excited for a normal day, back in routine, kids at school, home office finally quiet again

also me: receives 5 texts in 2 minutes that schools are closing at 11:45 a.m. due to incoming severe weather pic.twitter.com/BCBwO9b4Q3

— Katie Prejean McGrady (@KatiePMcGrady) January 8, 2024

Happy first day back to school for your kids to all who celebrate!

— Meg St-Esprit (@MegStEsprit) January 2, 2024

My kids made it approximately 2 hours and 3.5 hours respectively on their first days back today before the schools called about ailments so this is my doctors note excusing me from #DryJanuary

— Alexandria H. Sillo (@Ahlex3889) January 2, 2024

both kids back in school today

me at drop off pic.twitter.com/GEYAEO0vov

— Jamie Lynch (@jelynchjr) January 4, 2024

my favorite part of winter break is that once my kids finally start sleeping in, it’s time to go back to school

— Sarah Beth Burwick (@sarahbeth345) January 2, 2024

“Now that everyone in the family is fully healthy, are you excited for the kids to go back to school tomorrow and bring something new home?” - my wife just now 🫠

— JazzJargon (@JazzJargon) January 2, 2024

Tomorrow, when I drop my kid off at school, I plan on wrapping my arms around her, shedding a few tears & saying "Ms. Amy, I'm so happy the school is back open today!"

Then scream "see ya later sucka!" to my daughter & high 5 the other parents as I run out the door celebrating.

— Stay at Homies (@stayathomies) November 26, 2018

Glad the kids are back to school and work so I can my afternoon naps in during my workday.

— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) January 2, 2024

The thrill of victory: The kids go back to school today.

The agony of defeat: My husband still has the day off.


— The Salty Mamas (@saltymamas) January 3, 2022

me: the kids have been home for 6 days in a row im ready for them to go back to school tomorrow


— That Mom Tho 🐦 (@mom_tho) February 22, 2023

It’s drop your kid off at school and get back in the bed season 🥰

— Sophia Petrillo 🍝 (@The_CourtShow) January 2, 2024

Everyone knows Dry January doesn't officially start until Christmas break ends and the kids are back in school.

— Moderately Mom (@moderately_mom) January 2, 2020

It's the most...wonderful time...of the year...



— Ara Andonian (@thearashow) January 8, 2024

“Only 105 days until summer break.” -my kids teacher at school pickup on the first day back from winter break

— Marissa 💚✨💛 (@michimama75) January 3, 2024