Americans Watching Great British Bake Off Is Our New Favourite Thing

"The UK needs to legalise weed so the Great British Bake Off can have edibles week."

It’s that time of year again! And no, we’re not talking about Halloween. There’s a new season of The Great British Bake Off airing Stateside.

The reality baking competition – also known as The Great British Baking Show in the US – began airing its 12th season in late September. Since then, viewers have been tuning in each week to watch another crop of delightful amateur bakers vie for the title of star baker.

For American audiences, the show offers a hilarious introduction to obscure British desserts, and it’s refreshing to watch a reality competition show where the contestants are actually nice to each other and seem genuinely happy (or “chuffed,” as they say) to be there. That’s the word on Twitter, anyway.

We’ve rounded up 35 funny GBBO tweets from US viewers – and one for luck, from the show’s co-presenter Matt Lucas, to get you through this season.

After watching The Great British Baking Show for many years, I still don’t have a firm handle on what the Brits mean when they say pudding.

— Diamond Sharp (@diamonde) February 14, 2021

I get all snooty about Great British Bake Off contestants doing things wrong like two years ago I wasn't googling "what is shoe pastry"

— Mara “Get Rid of the Nazis” Wilson (@MaraWilson) November 3, 2017

Me: I’m fine

Also me: [visibly crying when the contestants of Bake Off help each other]

— Pigeon Fancier (@isabelzawtun) April 1, 2021

Me normally: I suck at cooking lol
Me watching the Great British Bake Off: rookie mistake not beating in the egg whites right away that’s gonna come back to bite you after the prove

— katie jo(hantgen) (@katiejoyofosho) January 1, 2019

Great Asian Bake Off is the same but the contestants make the judges eat their whole dish not just one bite bc wow you are looking thin so eat up you must eat ALL THIS FOOD WE MADE IT FOR YOU WE LOVE YOU

— Karen Chee (@karencheee) October 20, 2018

me: challah
british bake-off: "enriched dough plaited loaf"

— Dana Schwartz 🫀 (@DanaSchwartzzz) September 28, 2019

I’ve been working for british people for five years but I feel like I didn’t really understand them until I started watching bake off.

My favorite part of is every episode when the lady judge says, “I never would have thought to put [spice] in [food]” and everyone smiles.

— Julia Carrie Wong (@juliacarriew) April 4, 2021

I love Nadiya’s stress frowns in Bake Off

— Laurie Kilmartin- NYC Oct 8-9 (@anylaurie16) March 15, 2021

NETFLIX: and we’ll only air one episode per week
ME: this is bullshit

ME: it’s Bake Off Dayyyy

— malice ghoulpus (@alicegoldfuss) October 19, 2019

Great British Bake Off has really outdone itself in terms of the Great British Bake Off-iness of the cast this year

— Dana Schwartz 🫀 (@DanaSchwartzzz) October 2, 2021

80% of the stuff baked on the Great British Bake Off absolutely grosses me out but I keep watching.

— Laurie Kilmartin- NYC Oct 8-9 (@anylaurie16) January 28, 2021

why do we call it “bake off” and not “the undoughing”

— keely flaherty (@keelyflaherty) November 29, 2020

Me on The Great British Bake Off:

(to another contestant) psssssst, a biscuit is a cookie, right?

— Stephanie Mickus (@smickable) August 14, 2018

Applying for the great british bake off so I can say “is it yummy?” to the hosts when they try my bakes

— Bec Shaw (@Brocklesnitch) October 11, 2020

Me in any job I've ever been in #BakeOff

— Wengle (@Wengle) September 21, 2021

things that make me happy:
when it's raining on great british bake off and you can hear the rain against the tent
end of list

— Grace Spelman (@GraceSpelman) September 24, 2017

I’m watching Bake Off and the one guy wasn’t going to get his sandwich biscuits on the plate in time, so four other contestants helped him and I swear I burst into tears at how nice that is 😂😂

— 🎃Imani Gandy Corn🎃 (@AngryBlackLady) October 17, 2020

I still don’t know what the judges on #GBBO mean when they use the word, “stodgy,” but I think it means, “tastes like armpits.”

— Abbi Crutchfield (@curlycomedy) November 14, 2020

ME, WATCHING #GBBO: Huh I wonder who my favorite will be

*Sura is shown WALKING HER CAT ON A LEASH in London*


— Mara “Get Rid of the Nazis” Wilson (@MaraWilson) September 27, 2020

One thing I find stressful about the great british bake off is that noel fielding looks like his name should be paul hollywood and vice versa

— Anne Thériault (@anne_theriault) January 4, 2020

Me: What is an innocuous show I can put my 4 sons to bed with?
Netflix: Great British Bake Off
GBBO: Tonight's episode: Spotted Dick

— JennyPentland GED (@JennyPentland) June 20, 2017

Watching a lot of bake off. Tempering chocolate seems impossible. Rose water is very overpowering, please be careful when using it.

— Bec Shaw (@Brocklesnitch) October 13, 2020

[watching Great British Bake Off]

ME: no egg white in your Crème Caramel?!?! it won’t set up you idiot

WIFE: your pop tart is burning

— *sigh*clops (@aotakeo) July 22, 2020

If you study past #GBBO seasons there are personality types that get cast: type A young man with good posture, daffy old lady, and insecure but whip-smart girl of ambiguous age.

— Abbi Crutchfield (@curlycomedy) October 23, 2020

my favorite phrases on great british baking show:
“dry crumb”
“treacle tart”
“wobbly belange”
“moggy gumph”
“absolute top hats tiroo”
“biscuit biscuit poppin moppets”
“off you go then dr oz”

— Aparna Nancherla (@aparnapkin) November 19, 2018

There's crying.

There's sobbing.

And then there's watching a baker say goodbye at the end of a Great British Bake Off episode.

— The Dad Briefs™ (@SladeWentworth) March 10, 2021

It's been a stressful day, so I suggested we catch up on #gbbo. That's usually very relaxing.

Turns out it's nearly 100 degrees in the tent and they're making ice cream cakes...


— Kelly Phillips Erb (@taxgirl) November 11, 2020

The Great British Bake Off, except it's just me sampling all the baked goods people brought to the party and ranking them from best to worst in my head.

— Moderately Mom (@moderately_mom) December 22, 2019

I’m going to tell my kids this is Matt Lucas and Noel Fielding #GBBO

— iLocks (@ilocks81) September 21, 2021

Does anyone else have trouble sleeping at night because of the British Bake Off end credits song in your head. Also anxiety

— Charlene deGuzman (@charstarlene) December 8, 2020

One of the most terrifying show stoppers on Bake Off. Ever. #GBBO #GreatBritishBakeOff

— Sangita Lal (@sangitalal) September 22, 2020

No one:

Prue giving Maggie first place for the technical #GBBO :

— lukey star (@luxxiboo) September 21, 2021

the uk needs to legalise weed so the great british bake off can have edibles week

— arin ☭ (@death2morrissey) July 31, 2021

Pls play the Great British Bake Off theme song as you lower my coffin into the ground.

— Sophia Benoit (@1followernodad) September 28, 2019

Excited for the Squid Game/Bake Off crossover in which we say goodbye to the baker who is leaving us and then Prue clatters them with a frying pan

— Matt Lucas (@RealMattLucas) October 12, 2021