Amy Schumer Shows Haters What A Bikini Body Looks Like After Body Shaming


Amy Schumer’s sizzling response to being body shamed while wearing a swimsuit has sent a powerful message to women who have ever felt self-conscious in their swimwear - and to those who dare to criticise women’s bodies.

Last week, Schumer was body shamed for her Instyle magazine cover, which pictures her stretched out in a white swimming costume.

US-based swimwear designer Dana Duggan said “not everyone should be in a swimsuit”, adding that she thought Schumer looked “like a pig”.


Say what now?

Ever unapologetic, body confidence queen Schumer responded in style by posting a whole load of bikini photos to her Instagram stories over the weekend.

Amy Schumer / Instagram

While she didn’t directly mention Duggan, her Insta stories did end with the message: “I feel great. No haters can f with my baseline.”

And nothing says fuck you like doing exactly what people tell you not to do.

Never change, Amy.
