Andrea Leadsom's Theresa May 'Parent' Comments Prompt Hilarious Spoof Twitter Account Offering 'Mum Knows Best' Advice

'Show your chancellor how proud you are by sticking his budget to the fridge.'

Andrea Leadsom has been hilariously mocked on Twitter over her comments that being a parent gives her the edge over Conservative Party leadership rival Theresa May.

Commenting in Saturday’s Times newspaper, Leadsom said being a mother “means you have a very real stake in the future of our country”.

Despite later insisting she was not trying to make it an issue in the Tory leadership election, nine Conservative MPs have spoken out against her, branding the comments “vile”.

The story on "being a mother" that had led to Andrea Leadsom being criticised
The story on "being a mother" that had led to Andrea Leadsom being criticised
The Times

A spoof twitter account, @LeadsomsTips was set up on Saturday night by Jason Spacey and has sent out tweets with the hashtag #MumKnowsBest.

Here's a review of my latest 'establishment run smear campaign!' @LeadsomsTips. Come join the fun!

— Jason Spacey (@Jason_Spacey) July 9, 2016

Despite only posting a dozen-odd tweets, the account has already amassed over 23,000 followers.

Tweets include advice on the effectiveness of the “naughty step”, when to answer questions with, “because I said so” and come from a battle-hardened mum who has “negotiated vegetable consumption deals with three children”.

Struggling for an answer during Prime Minister's Questions? Simply shout "Because I said so!". #MumsKnowBest

— Leadsom's Tips (@LeadsomsTips) July 9, 2016

As a mum, I know that sibling rivalry can leave some kids feeling left out. Find time for fun with everyone!

— Leadsom's Tips (@LeadsomsTips) July 10, 2016

Show your chancellor how proud you are by sticking his budget to the fridge. #MumsKnowBest

— Leadsom's Tips (@LeadsomsTips) July 9, 2016

When busy being prime minister, avoid accidents by ensuring child's playpen doors are secured. #MumsKnowBest

— Leadsom's Tips (@LeadsomsTips) July 9, 2016

Any mum will tell you teenagers can be uncooperative. Exert your authority by taking away something they like, such as their EU membership.

— Leadsom's Tips (@LeadsomsTips) July 10, 2016

As a mum who has negotiated vegetable consumption deals with 3 children, I see nothing complex about the situation in Syria.

— Leadsom's Tips (@LeadsomsTips) July 10, 2016

Is it possible for a childless woman to make judgements on the substantive merits and objectives of legislation? #MumsKnowBest

— Leadsom's Tips (@LeadsomsTips) July 10, 2016

Look out for signs of overtiredness, such as:

Fighting with friends
Running away
Being clumsy#MumsKnowBest

— Leadsom's Tips (@LeadsomsTips) July 9, 2016

Do you like reading your kids a fairytale before bedtime? I recommend you take a look at my CV #MumsKnowBest

— Leadsom's Tips (@LeadsomsTips) July 9, 2016

The naughty step isn't always an effective method of tackling poor behaviour #MumsKnowBest

— Leadsom's Tips (@LeadsomsTips) July 9, 2016

Not surprisingly, reaction to the account has also been somewhat amusing.

@LeadsomsTips I want a female PM with 20 kids ,they would be awesome .

— Martin (@martyj21) July 9, 2016

The most recent tweet from the account concerned Andy Murray straight sets victory at Wimbledon. It gave credit for the win to Murray’s mother.

Congratulations to Andy Murray's mum on winning Wimbledon #WimbledonFinals

— Leadsom's Tips (@LeadsomsTips) July 10, 2016

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