Angela Rayner Reminds Damian Green She Is A Woman

Shadow education secretary heckles during PMQs.

Angela Rayner reminded Damian Green that she was a woman today, after the first secretary of state referred to her as a Labour “spokesman”,

Green, who was standing in for Theresa May at prime minister’s questions, took aim at Rayner as he dismissed a Labour MP’s call for tuition fees to be scrapped.

“The very slight problem with her argument is her own education spokesman has admitted that the tuition policy has a £100bn hole black hole in Labour’s student fees policy,” he said.

Rayner, apparently noting she had been referred to as a “spokesman”, shouted across the chamber: “I’m a woman, not a man.”

I have to remind Damien Green when he misquoted me as Education Spokesman,I'm actually a woman! Do Tories only ever listen to blokes? #PMQs

— Angela Rayner MP (@AngelaRayner) July 12, 2017

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