Arabic Bag On Berlin Metro Is Seriously Trolling Islamophobes

"This text has no other purpose than to terrify those who are afraid of the Arabic language."

A passenger on a Berlin train has taken it upon themselves to troll any nearby Islamophobes with this incredible bag.

Taken by journalist Nader Al-Sarras, the picture has been shared over 8,000 times on Facebook and a tweet showing the image has received over 30,000 retweets.

Text on bag reads as: "This text has no other purpose than to terrify those who are afraid of the Arabic language."

— Zarah Sultana (@zarahsultana) August 16, 2016

Response has been overwhelmingly positive.

@KhalidAlmutiri2 @zarahsultana Brilliant! I love that. Makes me want one. :-)

— Steven L. Johnson (@StevenLJohnson) August 16, 2016

@zarahsultana @poemblaze
perhaps someone should hand these out at a Trump rally

— Barico (@NJBarico) August 16, 2016

Although some people were just a little confused.

@zarahsultana @exitthelemming Don't get it! If I can't read something I don't think about it! If you can read it, it means nothing!

— Susanne Traynor (@Christmaspud) August 17, 2016

@Christmaspud surely it doesn't mean nothing? It has an important satirical point for people who don't read Arabic (and it's very funny).

— Samuel West (@exitthelemming) August 17, 2016

@exitthelemming How can something that say it aim to terrify people like me be funny? It doesn't scare me as I wouldn't give a 2nd thought

— Susanne Traynor (@Christmaspud) August 17, 2016

@Christmaspud because when you realise what it means (when someone tells you) you realise your fear is irrational and silly, and that's good

— Samuel West (@exitthelemming) August 17, 2016

And if you want one apparently these are the guys responsible.

Tote bags available ya jama3a

A photo posted by Rock Paper Scissors (@rps.mafia) on


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