After what felt, at times, like a bit of an endless year, the time has finally come to take a load off and enjoy some rest and relaxation. And what better way to do that then enjoy some classic films over the festive period?
Whatever your taste, there are some real gems for everyone to dive into on the telly over the festive season, including nostalgic family classics, exciting new releases and, of course, the odd Christmas film or two thrown in for good measure.
However, we all know how tough it can be to settle on something to watch with so many channels (not to mention the endless run of streaming services), so we’ve rounded up the most unmissable of the lot.
This is our guide to the best films to watch on TV over the festive period…
White Christmas

Let’s be very, very honest with ourselves for just a second. White Christmas, for most of us, is one of those classic films we say every year we’ll watch in the lead-up to Christmas, but never actually get round to. Sound familiar? Well, BBC Two is giving you the opportunity to remedy that, and get the whole family watching something wholesome in the process.
When’s it on? Christmas Eve at 1pm on BBC Two.
It’s A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie

We get it, The Muppet Christmas Carol has set a seriously high bar when it comes to the gang’s festive offerings, but that doesn’t mean It’s A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie isn’t worth a watch, too, as Kermit goes on his own It’s A Wonderful Life-esque journey of discovery.
Look out for A-list (and, indeed, not-so-A-list) cameos, a very camp turn from Joan Cusack as a greedy property developer out to ruin the Muppets’ Christmas and a fabulous take on Moulin Rouge! from Miss Piggy.
When’s it on? Christmas Eve at 1.40pm on ITV2
The Grinch

Did you know this 2018 animated offering is officially the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time? In this take on the Dr Seuss classic, Benedict Cumberbatch lends his voice to the green meanie.
Alternatively, if you’re a purist who prefers the Jim Carrey version, you could always give that a stream on Netflix instead).
When’s it on? Christmas Eve at 2.40pm on ITV1
The Sound Of Music

Listen, you know it has to be done, but if you’re a Sound Of Music skeptic, at least you can rejoice in the fact that BBC One is getting it of the way early on this festive season.
Protest all you want, but you know full well that you’re going to be in tears by Edelweiss, and rooting for Maria and the Captain when they launch into that oh-so-breathy rendition of Something Good.
Come for the showtunes, stay for Christopher Plummer ripping a Nazi flag in half.
When’s it on? Christmas Eve at 2.50pm on BBC One
The Holiday

The Holiday is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a “good film”, but that doesn’t mean we don’t count down to revisiting it every Christmas.
Blame it on Jude Law in those glasses, we suppose (and no, we’re not talking about Mr Napkin Hand, although he’s definitely a draw, too).
When’s it on? Christmas Eve at 3.15pm on Channel 5
Home Alone 2: Lost In New York

The fun, frolics and, of course, child neglect all continue in this much-loved festive sequel. Just brace yourself for that Donald Trump jump scare...
When’s it on? Christmas Eve at 5.25pm on ITV1

Alternatively, if you’re not feeling Christmassy but still want to watch something feel-good, this big-screen version of the Broadway musical Hairspray is definitely a good shout.
The all-star cast are all fantastic, but it’s John Travolta’s turn as Edna Turnblad (a character originated by Divine in the John Waters original), who really steals every scene he’s in.
When’s it on? Christmas Eve at 6.45pm on ITV2

Between Don’t Look Up and Glass Onion, Netflix has made a point of putting out a big-budget film around Christmas time, usually with a decidedly A-list cast.
This year, their offering is Bradley Cooper’s Maestro, which sees him on double duty as both director and lead actor, portraying classical music legend Leonard Bernstein.
When’s it on? Streaming now on Netflix
Chicken Run: Dawn Of The Nugget

Meanwhile, if you were looking for something more family-friendly, then Chicken Run follow-up Dawn Of The Nugget could be the answer to your prayers.
Released more than 20 years after the original, this sequel has been praised by critics for its impressive animation and irreverent humour (even if there was some controversy when it was announced not all of the original cast would be back...).
When’s it on? Streaming now on Netflix
9 To 5

Hey, what’s Christmas without a bit of camp, right? Dolly Parton on her own is enough of a draw (particularly as this film is accompanied by her signature song of the same name), but throw in Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin and you’ve got yourself a must-watch.
When’s it on? Christmas Eve at 10.30pm on BBC Two
The Wizard Of Oz

There’s “no place like home”, but there’s also no film like The Wizard Of Oz. Cheesy line, we know, but more than 80 years later, and this classic movie is still as moving and influential (check out 2023′s existential comedy Barbie or anxiety-inducing journey of self-discovery Beau Is Afraid) as ever.
And while there’s no snowman or bobble hat in sight, it’s still the perfect Christmas Day viewing, thanks to unique way The Wizard Of Oz can still bring viewers of all generations together. We dare you not to be charmed by it.
When’s it on? Christmas Day at 3.10pm on Channel 5
Toy Story 4

The BBC’s big family film for this year is the fourth instalment in the Toy Story franchise. We’re going to be totally honest and say Toy Story 4 doesn’t quite meet the high standard set by the rest of the series, but this four-quel is still definitely worth checking out all the same, especially on a day like Christmas.
When’s it on? Christmas Day at 3.10pm on BBC One

When we were putting this list together, we couldn’t help but notice that there seems to be a bit of a recurring theme with this year’s festive TV offerings, which appear to be a celebration of Tom Hanks’ work across the different channels.
Once you’re done with his latest turn as Sheriff Woody, you can flick over to ITV2 to watch the 80s classic Big, which earned the much-loved actor his first ever Oscar nomination.
When’s it on? Christmas Day at 6.50pm on ITV2

We’re just going to quietly float it out there... Christmas isn’t necessarily everyone’s favourite day of the year. So, if you get towards the end of it all, and find yourself in need of a chuckle, modern comedies don’t get much more laugh-out-loud hilarious than the truly iconic and oh-so-quotable Bridesmaids.
When’s it on? Christmas Day at 9pm on ITV2
Forrest Gump

See what we mean about Christmas 2023 being a low-key Hanks-fest?
The actor’s performance as the title role in the feel-good drama Forrest Gump is still considered by many to be among his best, earning him his second consecutive Oscar winner back in 1994.
If you’ve ever fancied hearing the iconic “box of chocolates” line while tearing into your second Quality Street tin of the day, now’s your chance.
When’s it on? Christmas Day at 10pm on Channel 4
House Of Gucci

Frankly, we can’t think of a better time to watch Lady Gaga in all her Gucci-clad, Italian-accented glory than before bed on Christmas Day after a few Baileys. You’re welcome.
When’s it on? Christmas Day at 11pm on BBC Three
Detective Pikachu

We’d never normally advocate being up and about before 11am on Boxing Day, but they’re never normally showing Detective Pikachu.
If you even have the tiniest pang of nostalgia for the glory days of Pokémon in the 90s, then we can’t stress how much this adorable and heartwarming film is essential viewing.
When’s it on? Boxing Day at 9.50am on BBC One
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Any other time of year, the sight of that Child Catcher would be enough to have us scrambling for the remote or, indeed, just fleeing the remote completely.
This time of year, though, we have to make an exception.
When’s it on? Boxing Day at 3pm on ITV1
The Lion King

Admittedly, this photo-realistic Disney remake has nothing on its original animated counterpart, but it does have its own draws. And yes, by that we mean... Beyoncé is in it.
When’s it on? Boxing Day at 5.05pm on BBC One
Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Harrison Ford’s final outing as Indiana Jones in The Dial Of Destiny dominated the conversation earlier in the year, so why not check him out in action in what’s often regarded as the strongest film in the series this Boxing Day?
There’s nothing quite like watching someone bounding around on global adventures when you’re sitting in the same dressing gown for the third day running, is there?
When’s it on? Boxing Day at 6.50pm on Channel 4
Gone With The Wind

Another of those “I’ll get round to it” films from Hollywood’s golden era that you can finally treat yourself to during your down-time this year.
Be warned, though, that at just under four hours, it’s a real bum-number, so make sure you’ve got snacks to hand. That being said, if you’re putting off the post-Christmas tidy-up, this could be a great way to carry that on for a little while longer.
When’s it on? 27 December at 8.45am on Channel 5
Ice Age

Can’t bring yourself to watch another Christmas film this long after the big day, but still want to carry on the winter theme? Ice Age is the perfect movie for you.
CGI animation may have come a long way since this first Ice Age film was released more than 20 years ago, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t still completely charming.
When’s it on? 28 December at 5.15pm on ITV2

During her lifetime, Aretha Franklin made no secret of the fact she wanted to see Jennifer Hudson play her on the big screen, which finally came to pass in 2021, three years of the Queen of Soul’s death.
As well as J-Hud in the lead role (which, by the way, should have earned the star her second Oscar nomination, just saying), Respect also features appearances from Mary J Blige, Marlon Wayans, Forest Whitaker and Titus Burgess.
When’s it on? 28 December at 9pm on BBC Two

After days of schmaltzy musicals and animated favourites, you’d be forgiven if you need a bit of a break from family-friendly entertainment. If so... enjoy Alien.
When’s it on? 28 December at 9pm on BBC Three
The Godfather

You’d never normally hit play on a three-hour gangster epic at half 11 at on a Thursday night, but the gift that is Crimbo limbo means (nay, demands!) you can throw your regular schedule out the window.
When’s it on? 28 December at 11.20pm on Channel 4
Hello Dolly!

If that mammoth running time has always put you off tuning in to Hello Dolly!, it’s time to finally take the plunge. Not only is it a slice of joyous escapism, Barbra Streisand is absolutely captivating in the lead role of Dolly Levi.
Oh, and if you enjoy this, then Funny Girl is on immediately afterwards. In short, don’t expect to get anything done on the afternoon of 29 December.
When’s it on? 29 December at 1.45pm on BBC Two
Hidden Figures

Octavia Spencer. Janelle Monáe. We don’t need to say any more, but we will. Taraji. P. Henson.
When’s it on? 29 December at 5.40pm on Channel 4
Addams Family Values

Your Christmas lights are up, and leftovers are quite possibly still a staple part of your diet, so it might seem like the slightly wrong time of year to be tuning into the Addams Family Values.
But with iconic one-liners as strong as this, matched with a knock-out performance by Joan Cusack as the legend that is Debbie Jellinsky, you’ll quickly realise that it’s always a good time for this incredible comedy.
Oh, and if there are any teens kicking around your house who reckon Jenna Ortega is the definitive Wednesday Addams, this is your opportunity to give them a very important education.
When’s it on? 29 December at 7.30pm on E4
Cast Away

Yep, more Tom Hanks! If Crimbo Limbo is beginning to take its toll then, if nothing else, Cast Away serves as an important reminder that it could be worse...
When’s it on? 29 December at 8pm on Channel 4
Paddington 2

Regularly heralded as one of the best movie sequels of all time (check that Rotten Tomatoes score if you don’t believe us), Paddington 2 still holds up whether you’re watching it for the first or 101st time.
We’d especially recommend it to anyone who was impressed with Wonka, and wants to keep that unique Paul King magic going.
When’s it on? 30 December at 6pm on BBC One

What, did you really think you were going to make it all the way to 2024 without watching Matilda? We don’t think. All together now: “Mrs M, Mrs I...”
When’s it on? New Year’s Eve at 2.55pm on ITV1
No Time To Die

The festive schedule for 2023 is a surprisingly Bond-free zone... but ITV more than makes up for that with the premiere of the latest 007 offering, No Time To Die, ensuring that the year goes out with a bang.
When’s it on? New Year’s Eve at 8.30pm on ITV1

Every single year, without fail, we see Moana nestled somewhere in the festive schedule and think, “hmmm that’s an interesting choice”.
And every single year, we sit down and look at that gorgeous blue water, and get drawn in by those amazing Lin-Manuel Miranda songs, contrasted with the distinctly grey reality of the British winter, and realise why it’s an absolutely perfect choice.
When’s it on? New Year’s Day at 2.20pm on BBC One

When it gets to 10 o’clock the night before we go back to work after Christmas, we’d settle for pretty much anything to take our mind off the next day.
Thankfully, Channel 4 has heard our collective prayers and gifted us with one last piece of escapism in the form of Ridley Scott’s historical epic. Consider it revision for the long-awaited sequel, which is slated for release in 2024.
When’s it on? New Year’s Day at 10.15pm on Channel 4