Boris Johnson's Plan To Lift Covid Rules Torn Apart By Twitter Critics: 'Negligence!'

"The entirety of public health policy [is] just a f***king plaything for the prime minister."
Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson
TOLGA AKMEN via Getty Images

Boris Johnson will announce the lifting of mandatory Covid self-isolation for positive cases on Monday – but not everyone is on board with this radical new step.

The ‘Living with Covid’ strategy not only means people can continue to work and socialise even if they have the virus, but will limit public access to the free testing kits after it was revealed it cost £2 billion a month for taxpayers on Sunday.

As a cabinet row has briefly delayed the plan, No.10 has been criticising for rushing the plan through just one month before the Covid measures were set to expire anyway.

While the prime minister has claimed that lifting the domestic Covid rules in England will be a “moment of pride” for the nation, others have expressed concerns that this could be outright dangerous.

Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said: “The government is paralysed by its own chaos and incompetence and the British public are paying the price.

“This shambles cannot continue. What confidence can the public have that the Conservatives are acting in the national interest, when they can’t agree a plan for Covid?”

It’s not just the opposition who have voiced their worries either.

Here’s a roundup of all the most pressing fears over Johnson’s controversial new move:

There’s ‘no sound scientific reasons’ for acting now

#ShowUsTheScience #ShowUsTheScience #ShowUsTheScience
Government plans to end restrictions for covid-19 in England. This policy is not evidence-based; no sound scientific reasons have been given. UK scientists, clinicians, advocates, sign our open letter:

— Trisha Greenhalgh (@trishgreenhalgh) February 21, 2022

Today the government will announce the end to all #COVID restrictions, including ending #isolation and free testing in the country.
This is a HUGE mistake.
We are asking members of the UK science and medical communities, to sign our open letter here:

— Dr Sarah Todd 💙 #TeamGP #StaySafeBeKind (@SarahJTodd) February 21, 2022

It’s a tactic to ‘avoid a leadership challenge’

A&E doctor on @SkyNews says today’s Covid announcement is:

“Living with Boris Johnson not living with Covid.”

She’s right. It’s a political decision not a scientific decision.

— Bill Esterson (@Bill_Esterson) February 21, 2022

The entirety of public health policy, just a fucking plaything for the prime minister. Our covid posture and timetable dictated by whether it will help him avoid a leadership challenge from his idiot backbenchers.

— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) February 21, 2022

Today I will be announcing my plan for Pretending Covid Doesn't Exist, based on the scientific advice that it will make me popular with my backbenchers.

— Parody Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson_MP) February 21, 2022

PM to unveil ‘living with Covid’ plan, as he needs to keep the distractions up and hadn’t banked on Putin taking this long.

— Have I Got News For You (@haveigotnews) February 21, 2022

If only there was a national plan for ‘Living with a Tory government’, but it’s simply too difficult.

— Brendan May (@bmay) February 21, 2022

Vulnerable people will be directly affected

My sister has MS. She has been hunkered dry own all winter and just thinking about you it opening up her life again… and then this skin saving Political decision. I don’t even stay with her because I meet too many people do too high risk… now what?

— Deborah Meaden 💙 (@DeborahMeaden) February 21, 2022

Can we be clear?

This is not "living with Covid".

This will lead directly to the deaths of more immuno-compromised & disabled people.

I care for such patients - triple-vaxxed yet dying in ICU in their 40s, 30s.

Are their lives really worth nothing?

— Rachel Clarke (@doctor_oxford) February 19, 2022

Positive cases will still have to go into work if their employers tell them to

“If you feel well [with Covid] you come in” says an employer on #r4today

Which means that person will infect others. Who will not necessarily be as lucky.

What an extraordinarily stupid and dangerous policy.

— Gina Super-Mild™️ (@Saffiya_Khan1) February 21, 2022

Relying on testing to end isolation would be more effective

We have easy home tests that detect if someone is in the infectious period- why not stick with using these to release people from isolation? People can go back to work & mixing & seeing others knowing they’re not infectious…

— Prof. Devi Sridhar 🌈 (@devisridhar) February 21, 2022

The new strategy is ‘negligent’

Cancelling Covid self-isolation rules is not freedom, it’s negligence

— Claudia Webbe MP (@ClaudiaWebbe) February 21, 2022

If this is correct, it’s catastrophic for the UK’s ability to ensure adequate Covid surveillance, outbreak management etc in future. To allow significant dismantling of the testing infrastructure built up in last 2 years would be inexcusable negligence given ongoing risks.

— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) February 21, 2022

People are still dying from Covid

Whilst the Prime Minister is bragging about lifting restrictions a month early, we’re struggling to keep up with the number of hearts that need to be drawn on the Covid Memorial Wall.


— Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice UK (@CovidJusticeUK) February 9, 2022

It will be harder to spot new variants with less testing

So the best way to keep a lookout for future variants is to stop testing. Apparently.

— John Crace (@JohnJCrace) February 21, 2022

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