British Government Surveillance Violated European Convention On Human Rights, Court Rules

A complaint was brought by human rights groups and journalists.

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that some aspects of British surveillance regimes violated the European Convention on Human Rights.

The case brought by civil liberties, human rights and journalism groups and campaigners challenged British surveillance and intelligence-sharing practices revealed by American whistleblower Edward Snowden.

The complainants suspect British and US spy agencies may have intercepted their electronic communications.

Campaigners had challenged British surveillance revealed by American whistle-blower Edward Snowden
Campaigners had challenged British surveillance revealed by American whistle-blower Edward Snowden
Andrew Kelly / Reuters

Corey Stoughton, of human rights group Liberty described Thursday’s ruling as “a major victory for those of us who think there ought to be balance in the government’s ability to engage in surveillance”.

Britain has changed its surveillance laws since the legal challenge began, passing new legislation that the government says has more privacy safeguards.

Thursday’s ruling is not final and can be appealed.

The battle moves on now to @libertyhq’s litigation challenging the current Snoopers Charter - the Investigatory Powers Act. Many of the legal flaws slammed in today’s decision are baked into that law. The wind is in our sails today.

— Corey Stoughton (@CoreyStoughton) September 13, 2018

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