Ukip Candidate Carl Benjamin Has Fourth Milkshake Thrown At Him This Month

It comes as Benjamin had the drink thrown over him during a visit to Totnes earlier this week.

UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin has had a fourth milkshake thrown at him during a campaign stop, following three previous attempts to douse him in the liquid.

Pictures online show Benjamin wiping off the drink which was poured over his head, during a campaign visit to Salisbury on Sunday.

Ukipper Carl Benjamin gets the milkshake he so richly deserves🥤

— dave M ❄️ 🥕 (@davemacladd) May 19, 2019

Benjamin – who is currently being investigated by police about rape comments made towards MP Jess Phillips that he says were a “joke” – has been the target of protests throughout his campaign trail for the EU parliament elections.

His planned events at the University of the West of England and Exeter Cathedral have been cancelled, while a scuffle broke out in Cornwall when two protesters attempted to throw a milkshake on Benjamin last week.

Benjamin was at a public meeting when a man wearing a white scarf on his face and a hooded woman tried to throw the beverages on him, with the violent aftermath caught on BBC cameras.

Earlier this week, he was targeted with the drink during a stop in Totnes.

It follows a pre-emptive move by police in Scotland, who reportedly asked a nearby McDonalds not to sell milkshakes while Brexit Party candidate Nigel Farage was visiting Edinburgh this weekend.

Printed signs saying: “We will not be selling milkshakes or ice creams tonight. This is due to a police request given recent events” were displayed on the windows and inside the fast food restaurant by the Corn Exchange.

Meanwhile, far-right figure Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, known as Tommy Robinson, recently had a milkshake thrown at him as he campaigned in north-west England

The former English Defence League leader was drenched twice in two days.


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