jess phillips

Women MPs are now at a record high, but the fight for equal representation isn't over.
The former prime minister was interviewed on the Lotus Eaters platform.
Labour MP told parliament she was "tired of fighting for systematic change and being given table scraps".
Nick Gazzard has helped create an app that is already saving women's lives.
It was announced after Wayne Couzens was jailed for Sarah Everard's murder and approved by former home secretary Priti Patel.
Labour's shadow minister for domestic violence accused the home secretary of being "missing in action".
Members of Parliament found themselves caught up in porn scandals, Spice Girl beef and jungle life. And that's just the Tories.
Richard Fuller, who is in the Treasury, wants those in their 20s to take more financial risks – and the mini-budget will help.
Prime minister acknowledges “anger” over Covid rule-breaking – but claims it means he has a greater "obligation" to help defeat Putin.
The change to allow medical abortions at home following a phone or video consultation was introduced during lockdown.