‘Celebrity Big Brother’: Luisa Zissman Returns And Has The Housemates In Stitches With Kim Woodburn Impression

Can you do better than Luisa?

Luisa Zissman made a brief return to ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ in Sunday (29 January) night’s episode, and had the housemates in stitches with her impression of Kim Woodburn.

The ‘How Clean Is Your House?’ has been the surprise hit of the current series - though she hasn’t always hit headlines for good reasons… - and Luisa couldn’t resist quoting one of Kim’s most memorable remarks when she entered the Borehamwood bungalow for a task.

Luisa had clearly been practicing this at home
Luisa had clearly been practicing this at home
Channel 5

“We would have had a right old hoo-ha in this house if I had been here,” Luisa told her. “I understand if someone comes at you, I’m all for going back at them like a bat out of hell. But when some of the housemates…”

It was at this point that the former ‘Apprentice’ star debuted her Kim impression, delivering the line: “You chicken livered maggot!”

Obviously, as serious Kim devotees will have noticed, Luisa didn’t get the quote quite right, but we’re still giving her top marks for effort.

“It is possibly the best television I have ever seen,” she added. “You’re possibly the first OAP that’s ever been dragged out of the house by security, sloshing your drink everywhere and it’s all going off.”

The ongoing ‘All Stars And New Stars’ series of ‘CBB’ hasn’t been short of drama, and while we can thank Kim for this, she’s not the only one to have been involved in a row or five.

Spencer and Heidi Pratt, who were evicted at the weekend, also did their bit when it came to making the house a truly difficult place to be, while Nicola McLean hasn’t exactly shied away from confrontations.


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