'Celebrity Big Brother': Rachel Johnson Goes On The Defensive Over Boris's Hair

She reckons she doesn't see 'what there is to laugh at'. We're not convinced.

As soon as Rachel Johnson was announced for ‘Celebrity Big Brother’, we knew at some point she was going to fend off questions about her brother, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.

So far this series, she’s managed to avoid having to discuss him too much, but she finally cracked yesterday, when her housemates crossed a line and dared to mention… his hair.

During a discussion in the bedroom - seen in Friday’s (19 January) highlights show - Amanda Barrie queried “what happened” to Boris’s hair, to which a seemingly oblivious Rachel responded: “What do you mean?”

Rachel was in no mood to talk about her brother's hair
Rachel was in no mood to talk about her brother's hair
Channel 5

To laughs from Amanda, Ann Widdecombe declared: “You may adore him, but even you have to laugh at his hair.”

An indignant Rachel insisted: “I don’t laugh at his hair! What is there to laugh at? I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.”

When even Ann Widdecombe is slagging your hair off, it might be time for a change
When even Ann Widdecombe is slagging your hair off, it might be time for a change
Channel 5

Perhaps sensing that her housemates, and the nation, wouldn’t buy that she’d never once considered her brother’s barnet as anything other than ordinary in her 52 years, she suggested: “We have uncontrollable hair. His hair doesn’t lie flat. It never has.”

As Amanda amused herself by suggesting her own bad hair may have been “caught from the Johnson family”, Rachel continued: “Do you know… he’s got thick hair that sticks up. It doesn’t lie flat, our hair. I actually have to flatten mine.”

Boris Johnson in 2017
Boris Johnson in 2017
Rob Pinney/REX/Shutterstock

Earlier this week, first evictee India Willoughby accused Rachel of being the house’s “chief manipulator”, who deliberately led to her being booted out of the house by making her feel like “the runt of the litter” and misgendering her repeatedly.

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ airs nightly on Channel 5.


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