Tories Are Being Called Out For Blaming Labour For The Strikes... Despite 12 Years In Power

"This is the Truman Show or some sh*t," one critic tweeted.
Transport secretary Grant Shapps with prime minister Boris Johnson on the Elizabeth line
Transport secretary Grant Shapps with prime minister Boris Johnson on the Elizabeth line
ANDREW MATTHEWS via Getty Images

Train strikes have ground the country to a halt this week, but the government is trying to shift the blame onto Labour – despite the Conservatives being in Downing Street for more than a decade.

The railway walkout means only 20% of services will be running on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday this week, with severe delays expected on the days in between.

Workers are striking over stagnant pay, as inflation soars above 9%, job losses and changes to their working conditions and pensions.

The unions – particularly RMT, which has been leading the charge against rail operators – claim they were left with no choice but to strike as negotiations with their employers have repeatedly failed and a compulsory redundancy notice was issued.

The government has repeatedly claimed it has no role in the negotiations, but RMT alleges that Downing Street – which owns Network Rail – has been purposefully stopping any settlement being reached.

The Tories reject this claim, with transport secretary Grant Shapps dubbing the calls for the government to come to the negotiating table as a “stunt”.

He alleged: “The reality is they’re using it as a camouflage for the fact they’ve walked out of the talks that they should be in with their employers.”

Not only are ministers refusing to help the stalled talks, they are also blaming their political opponents for the strikes in the first place.

Their argument hinges on the fact that Sir Keir Starmer has not openly condemned the strikes, and that some frontbenchers have joined the picket line today.

Northern Ireland secretary Brandon Lewis tweeted: “Labour’s strikes this week will make life harder for families across the country. Yet they refuse to put a stop to them.”

Chair of the Conservative Party Oliver Dowden retweeted a photo of the Labour party whip at the picket line, and tweeted: “When we say these are Labour’s strikes, this is exactly what we mean.”

The official Conservative Party Twitter page have all condemned Labour over the walkout, while deputy prime minister Dominic Raab actually took a different route and attacked the Lib Dems for “sitting on the fence”.

Cheers Keir

— Chris Clarkson MP 🇬🇧🇺🇦 (@ChrisClarksonMP) June 20, 2022

But it’s not exactly a bulletproof defence, considering the Conservatives have been in power since 2010 – as many people have pointed out.

Quite the take when the "vision" is literally the present day and the Conservatives have been in power in different iterations since 2010.

— Ashley Cowburn (@ashcowburn) June 21, 2022

We have quite literally had a Conservative Prime Minister for over 4000 days.

12 years of failed government and somehow still blaming Labour for your shambles 🤡

— Christian Wakeford MP (@Christian4BuryS) June 21, 2022

Strikes by @RMTunion are a direct result of this Tory government and its cruel policies that have engineered a cost of living crisis. Over £4bn slashed from National Rail and Transport for London by your government.

Your rhetoric isn't working. Blaming Labour isn't working.

— Gary Spedding (@GarySpedding) June 21, 2022

Nope. I'm done.

This is the Truman Show or some sh**.

None of this is real.

There's no way an actual human person would spend 12years in government, shaping a country... then say "See! This is what the country would look like if we WEREN'T in power".



— Femi (@Femi_Sorry) June 21, 2022

And your government (you know, the people who are actually IN POWER and have been for the last 4,429 days) has done nothing whatsoever to improve the situation.

You might as well all be sitting on the Moon, for all the good you Tories are doing.

— Edwin Hayward 🦄 🗡 (@edwinhayward) June 21, 2022

The phrase “12 YEARS” even started trending on Twitter in response to the Tories’ bizarre defence.

Same with this as the Rwanda policy. Blaming everyone else for your inability to solve a problem doesn't work. Especially when no one trusts you and you've been in Government for 12 years.

— Sam Freedman (@Samfr) June 21, 2022

The Tories have been in power for 12 years.

— Kevin Schofield (@KevinASchofield) June 21, 2022

I know I try and block out that the Conservatives have been in power for 12 years, but it's a bit rich them trying to.

— Daniel Sohege 🧡 (@stand_for_all) June 21, 2022

Yet another Conservative forgetting they've run the country for 12 years

— Alexander Brown (@AlexofBrown) June 21, 2022

after 12 years of blaming the last labour government for all their problems, the conservatives have finally started blaming the next labour government for all their problems

— alex hern (@alexhern) June 21, 2022

12 years into a Tory government and they're still blaming Labour

— PoliticsJOE (@PoliticsJOE_UK) June 21, 2022

Britain's a lot of things in 2022 but it's not "Labour's Britain". The Conservatives have been in power for 12 years.

— Rachel Wearmouth (@REWearmouth) June 21, 2022

I cannot believe what I’m hearing. The Conservative Govt who have been in power for 12 years are blaming the current strike action on Labour who have not been in power for 12 years. It’s quite a take. TWELVE YEARS!

— Adil Ray OBE (@adilray) June 21, 2022

Just a Tory MP who doesn't realise thar his own party is in power - and has been for 12 years

— Otto English (@Otto_English) June 21, 2022

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